
Life expectancy is flatlining in Britain, the Tories are cutting years off our lives

Life expectancy is flatlining in Britain, the Tories are cutting years off our lives

From Where I Stand — Since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 life expectancy in Britain has near enough stopped increasing, after a century of constant growth.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

Naomi Klein says Grenfell Tower is "lovelessness in public"

A tragedy of fake facades — Cult writer Naomi Klein has been debunking neoliberalism's gilded promise since the 1990s. Grenfell Tower, she says, is yet another tragic reminder that beyond the golden surface lies a rotten core.

Written by: Andrea Kurland

You're right to worry about a revolving door between the Tories and the BBC

You're right to worry about a revolving door between the Tories and the BBC

From Where I Stand — Last night news broke that two senior BBC political journalists held meetings with the Tories about moving to work at Number 10. No wonder the Beeb is out of touch with the political reality of today.

Written by: Tom Mills

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

From Where I Stand — Even if Donald Trump only makes a sneak trip to the UK now his state visit has been cancelled, the British public will make it clear he's still not welcome.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Soon there might be justice for Hillsborough, but Scousers always knew the truth

Soon there might be justice for Hillsborough, but Scousers always knew the truth

From Where I Stand — The news that six people will be charged with offences relating to the Hillsborough disaster is welcome, but let's be clear - this comes 28 years too late.

Written by: Ellie Mae O'Hagan

Stop sneering at the Grenfell Tower 'conspiracy theories'

Stop sneering at the Grenfell Tower 'conspiracy theories'

From Where I Stand — There's nothing funny about confusion after trauma. Victims and their loved ones have every right to distrust the state right now. The fact that you're mocking working class communities in mourning says it all.

Written by: Dawn Foster

I learned first-hand how harmful Tim Farron's views on gay people are

I learned first-hand how harmful Tim Farron's views on gay people are

From Where I Stand — Tim Farron's resignation as Lib Dem leader sees him playing the victim, but the reality is Britain has rejected his outdated views that caused me and other young gay men so much pain.

Written by: Benny Hunter

Don't you dare say the fatal Grenfell Tower fire is not 'political'

Don't you dare say the fatal Grenfell Tower fire is not 'political'

From Where I Stand — From poor safety standards to Tories rejecting laws to make all homes fit for human habitation, this morning’s tragedy in London is a political matter.

Written by: Aaron Bastani

Young people have proven we aren't apathetic, now let us speak for ourselves

Young people have proven we aren't apathetic, now let us speak for ourselves

From Where I Stand — Young people have been ignored, spoken over and sidelined by the British media for far too long, after last week's general election that needs to change.

Written by: Michael Segalov

I'm a newly elected LGBT Labour MP, and I won't let the DUP take control of Westminster

I'm a newly elected LGBT Labour MP, and I won't let the DUP take control of Westminster

From Where I Stand — Newly elected Lloyd Russell-Moyle is one of 45 LGBT MPs in Westminster, with a constituency in Kemptown that's proudly diverse. It's why he's set to fightback against Theresa May's plans to jump into bed with the homophobic DUP.

Written by: Lloyd Russell-Moyle

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