
Inside the teen DIY racing scene taking over Finland

Inside the teen DIY racing scene taking over Finland

Cool runnings — On icy roads and frozen lakes, Finland's youth are racing customised cars salvaged from scrap. The goal is to destroy the competition, but the reward lies in a tight-knit community fighting off boredom.

Written by: Alex King

Music needs more ‘undefinable talent' like Nabihah Iqbal

Music needs more ‘undefinable talent' like Nabihah Iqbal

Pioneering polymath — From human rights lawyer to well-respected DJ, every step in Nabihah Iqbal’s unconventional life has equipped her to become an artist unafraid to challenge stereotypes.

Written by: Niall Flynn

The surf club inspiring young women to reclaim their town

The surf club inspiring young women to reclaim their town

Coastal changemakers — On the coast of Cornwall, in a town overcrowded in summer and deserted by winter, one woman is empowering locals to discover a sense of agency – through the power of surfing.

Written by: Hazel Sheffield

These teenage activists are shaping our future

These teenage activists are shaping our future

Agents of change — Young people across the world are refusing to be ignored and downtrodden: a generation determined to build something better, something bolder, something new.

Written by: Various

The rise of Snail Mail, a teen talent worth believing in

The rise of Snail Mail, a teen talent worth believing in

Indie prodigy — After making an acclaimed EP at just 16, Lindsey Jordan's talent generated a wave of hype. Now that her debut album is about to justify that excitement, she’s focused on a slow-burning success – even if it feels like life is throwing everything at her all at once.

Written by: Cian Traynor

Pakistan’s young mountaineers are blazing a trail for women

Pakistan’s young mountaineers are blazing a trail for women

Beyond boundaries — In a remote corner of Pakistan, a wave of female climbers are conquering monumental peaks for the first time – overcoming social barriers and setting records in the process.

Written by: Meghan Davidson Ladly

This DIY filmmaker made the 'Boyhood' of skateboarding

This DIY filmmaker made the 'Boyhood' of skateboarding

Minding the Gap — As a kid who grew up on the move, often left at home alone, Bing Liu only found a sense of belonging when he picked up a skateboard. His acclaimed new documentary Minding the Gap captures a decade-long bond between three friends escaping volatile backgrounds.

Written by: Daniel Dylan Wray

Huck: The Coming of Age Issue

Huck: The Coming of Age Issue

Out now! — This issue is all about that magic moment when things click into place – be it inspiration, experience or a sense of identity.

Written by: HUCK HQ

How Beach House evolved into their best and boldest selves

How Beach House evolved into their best and boldest selves

Lessons learned — The Baltimore duo reflect on 13 years of making music on their own terms, from learning to say 'no' to finding beauty in chaos.

Written by: Cian Traynor

Why Nora Vasconcellos is the future of skateboarding

Why Nora Vasconcellos is the future of skateboarding

Street shredder — After her parents lost the family home and her friends went off to college, Nora Vasconcellos headed west in chase of a dream: turning pro on her own terms. But now that she’s become the first female rider on Adidas Skateboarding, the 25-year-old believes it’s time the industry caught up with reality.

Written by: Anthony Pappalardo

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Issue 81: The more than a game issue

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