Alex King

Egypt investigates Reuters journalist over Guilio Regeni murder story

Egypt investigates Reuters journalist over Guilio Regeni murder story

Is clampdown on press a return to dark days of Mubarak’s rule? — Reuters Cairo bureau chief faces scrutiny by police after report unearths security service connection to death of Italian researcher.

Written by: Alex King

Introducing Lady Vendredi: the vodou priestess of rhythm

Introducing Lady Vendredi: the vodou priestess of rhythm

Huck exclusive ‘Papa Legba’ video premiere — Born in East London gay dive clubs, The Passion of Lady Vendredi is blowing up as a new EP and immersive stage show.

Written by: Alex King

How can Brazil bounce back after its elite-driven coup?

How can Brazil bounce back after its elite-driven coup?

The old politics are dead — Brazil’s corrupt right-wing have wrestled back power. Activists predict a widespread loss of rights and growing repression, but could it also be the start of a progressive renaissance?

Written by: Alex King

Why did students re-enact a bloody 1985 battle between police and new age travellers?

Why did students re-enact a bloody 1985 battle between police and new age travellers?

What really happened at the forgotten Battle of the Beanfield? — Breach Theatre’s multimedia play The Beanfield joins a growing trend of artists using documentary inquiry to hold violent and corrupt institutions to account.

Written by: Alex King

Huck’s top ten alternative stoner movies

Huck’s top ten alternative stoner movies

Smoke screen — On 4/20, we’ve got the choicest cuts of kush cinema to help you through the haziest day of the year.

Written by: Alex King

Rwandan cinema is healing wounds in a country scarred by genocide

Rwandan cinema is healing wounds in a country scarred by genocide

Welcome to Hillywood — In one of the smallest and poorest countries on earth, filmmakers are bringing people together around stories about Rwanda’s dark past.

Written by: Alex King

Five things you need to know about moves to impeach Brazil’s president

Five things you need to know about moves to impeach Brazil’s president

So, is this a coup? Er... yeah — The latest chapter in Brazil’s escalating political crisis was opened when congress voted to impeach president Dilma Rousseff. So, what does it mean and what happens next?

Written by: Alex King

How Georgian artists are staring down Putin with humour and satire

How Georgian artists are staring down Putin with humour and satire

Fighting for freedom of expression under the shadow of Putin’s Russia — Author and playwright Lasha Bugadze explains how Georgia’s post-Soviet generation of artists are battling for freedom and democracy.

Written by: Alex King

Meet the young journalists building a new teenage identity for Rwandan girls

Meet the young journalists building a new teenage identity for Rwandan girls

Rwanda Rising — The teenager is a new phenomenon in Rwanda, and Ni Nyampinga magazine is leading efforts to empower young girls and create space for teenage growth and community.

Written by: Alex King

Agathe Toman: the artist who feels in black and white

Agathe Toman: the artist who feels in black and white

To The M O O N And Back — Black ink courses through French artist Agathe Toman’s veins. She gives us the lowdown on her new show, featuring macabre visions and moody skate cruisers.

Written by: Alex King

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