COP26 may have failed, but our fight must continue

COP26 may have failed, but our fight must continue

No planet b — The chasm between what has been promised and what’s needed to stop catastrophic climate change is still far too big. But it’s on the streets that we should look for hope, writes Friends of the Earth campaigner, Rachel Kennerley.

Written by: Rachel Kennerley

Kendal Mountain Festival 2021 is focused on the climate

Kendal Mountain Festival 2021 is focused on the climate

Time to act — Now in its 41st year, the event will unite athletes, filmmakers, conservationists and authors to discuss our role in the natural world.

Written by: Huck

Can video games help fight the climate crisis?

Can video games help fight the climate crisis?

Climate takeover — With the gaming industry booming, a growing number of developers and environmental campaigners are looking to channel that attention and cash towards the climate crisis.

Written by: Jessica Rawnsley

Why climate justice means migrant justice

Why climate justice means migrant justice

Climate takeover — It is morally reprehensible to have a conversation about climate justice without acknowledging the issues around race and migration, writes Yvonne Blake, the co-founder of MORE.

Written by: Yvonne Blake

Photo highlights from the first week of COP26

Photo highlights from the first week of COP26

Climate takeover — Photographer Ben Millar Cole has been on the streets of Glasgow this week capturing the colourful and diverse protests taking place around the UN conference.

Written by: Huck

COP26: the inhumane tactics police are using on activists

COP26: the inhumane tactics police are using on activists

Climate takeover — Just days into the conference, some climate protestors report being forced into a police kettle for hours in the cold without toilet access.

Written by: Ben Smoke

There can be no eco justice without debt cancellation

There can be no eco justice without debt cancellation

Climate takeover — The communities on the frontline of climate chaos are being forced to shoulder the financial and ecological burden of a crisis that they did not create. Debt repayments must therefore be cancelled, argues Daniel Willis from Global Justice Now.

Written by: Daniel Willis

Why I occupied the Science Museum to demand eco justice

Why I occupied the Science Museum to demand eco justice

Izzy Warren, a 17-year-old campaigner with UK Student Climate Network, explains why she took part in a protest against the museum’s sponsorship deals with fossil fuel companies.

Written by: Izzy Warren

COP26 is our last chance to save humanity

COP26 is our last chance to save humanity

Climate takeover — The climate crisis is rapid, widespread, and intensifying. That's why, to mark the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, we're running a Huck climate takeover.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Indigenous people demand justice at the British Museum

Indigenous people demand justice at the British Museum

‘We need to live in peace‘ — Yesterday, activists gathered at the museum for a healing ceremony and to demand that governments centre the voices of communities on the frontline of the climate crisis ahead of COP26.

Written by: Ben Smoke

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