
How a 14-year-old took on political corruption in Egypt

How a 14-year-old took on political corruption in Egypt

Prodigy in protest — From standing on the frontlines at Tahrir Square to rallying against the patriarchy, Amal became a revolutionary when she was just a teenager. Now, her steely determination is being celebrated in a new film.

Written by: Hannah Clugston

The women kayaking 4,000km from London to the Black Sea

The women kayaking 4,000km from London to the Black Sea

Across the continent — Kate Culverwell and Anna Blackwell are more than a month into a mammoth, continental expedition that will see them paddle a tandem kayak named Benji across Europe. As they set up temporary camp in Belgium, we speak to the adventurers about the trials and tribulations of their journey so far.

Written by: Rachael Healy

How women radicalised the world of self-publishing

How women radicalised the world of self-publishing

Inside the revolution — For decades, women have been using independent zines to discuss the issues that matter to them – rejecting the mainstream media’s misogyny to take issues into their own hands. We talk to the most revolutionary publishers about what spurned them on.

Written by: Emma Finamore

Twisted portraits of sex, power and feminine desire

Twisted portraits of sex, power and feminine desire

The story of O — In her new mixed media project The Story Of O, New York artist Natalie Frank examines the good, bad and ugly of women's erotic imaginations.

Written by: Ione Gamble

Photos that flip the way we view sex, women and violence

Photos that flip the way we view sex, women and violence

The new LA noir — Pooling influence from Hollywood, old advertisements and porn, visual artist Camille Mariet uses explicit, bold photography to subvert sexist stereotypes.

Written by: Ione Gamble

The radical history of vaginas in art & popular culture

The radical history of vaginas in art & popular culture

Pussy power? — In her latest video for ‘PYNK’, released this week, Janelle Monae pays tribute to self-love, pink and ‘pussy power’. But are vagina depictions in modern visual culture really all that empowering? Polyester Editor Ione Gamble investigates.

Written by: Ione Gamble

The woman turning beatboxing into a fierce political movement

The woman turning beatboxing into a fierce political movement

Savage Grace — UK champion Grace Savage is turning the male-dominated beatboxing scene on its head, turning beats and lyrics into revolutionary new weaponry.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Challenging the media’s portrayal of Asian women

Challenging the media’s portrayal of Asian women

Through art & photography — A new photography show, opening this week at Brisbane’s Metro Arts, confronts the tired cultural stereotypes surrounding east Asian womanhood.

Written by: Cristiana Bedei

Hinds: ‘We didn’t even know what sexism was’

Hinds: ‘We didn’t even know what sexism was’

Girls to the front — The lo-fi punk four-piece are back with their long-awaited second album, I Don’t Run. We meet them to talk love, politics, and the lessons they’ve learned so far.

Written by: Max Gayler

How to quit your job and make beer for a living

How to quit your job and make beer for a living

Tips from an all-female brewery — After learning to brew beer as a hobby, sisters Do and Tessel de Heij honed their skills to launch Gebrouwen door Vrouwen – Amsterdam’s first all-woman brewery. Here’s how they did it.

Written by: Tom Coggins

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