
Queer-led movements are driving change at university

Queer-led movements are driving change at university

Pride 2022 — LGBTQ+ students from across the UK are keeping the spirit of the original Pride alive by fighting for liberation for everyone, not just their community, reports Zac Larkham.

Written by: Zac Larkham

New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

New rules risk locking poorer students out of uni

Cruel system — Proposals to introduce a minimum GCSE threshold for student loans will disproportionately affect those from marginalised backgrounds, reports Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover

We must resist the Tories’ brutal changes to university

We must resist the Tories’ brutal changes to university

People before profit — Government plans to make it harder for people to go to university and to force students to pay more of their loans back will only entrench inequality.

Written by: Hillary Gyebi-Ababio

How whisper networks are protecting university students

How whisper networks are protecting university students

‘It’s about survival‘ — With many UK universities failing to take sufficient action over sexual assault, students are finding ways to talk about their experiences and warn others about predators.

Written by: Katie Tobin

The students fighting to keep cops off campus

The students fighting to keep cops off campus

Leading the resistance — Lockdown rules gave cops a justification for increasing their presence, but the easing of restrictions hasn’t stopped the issue of over-policing on university campuses.

Written by: Chloé Meley

Universities are failing students on the climate crisis

Universities are failing students on the climate crisis

Divestment now — Rather than syphoning off students’ exorbitant fees to fossil fuels and arms companies, universities have a duty to set an example, writes NUS Vice President Hillary Gyebi-Ababio.

Written by: Hillary Gyebi-Ababio

Teachers and students are uniting for Goldsmiths strikes

Teachers and students are uniting for Goldsmiths strikes

‘Knowledge before profit‘ — Following the institution revealing that it plans to cut at least 52 jobs, staff have organised a three-week walkout over redundancies with students standing in solidarity with them.

Written by: Jessica Rawnsley

Why universities must support student sex workers

Why universities must support student sex workers

Safety first — Campaigners and student sex workers explain why all students – regardless of the occupation they choose to support themselves – deserve help, guidance, and safety.

Written by: Katie Tobin

We must fight plans to raise student loan repayments

We must fight plans to raise student loan repayments

Deepening crisis — Government plans to reduce the annual student loan repayment threshold will only drive up inequality within education, writes NUS Vice President, Hillary Gyebi-Ababio.

Written by: Hillary Gyebi-Ababio

The rise of anti-abortion activism in UK universities

The rise of anti-abortion activism in UK universities

‘It’s actively dangerous‘ — The government’s efforts to protect ‘free speech’ within universities has emboldened pro-life campaigners operating on campus. Unsurprisingly, it has led to significant backlash among students.

Written by: Katie Tobin

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