United Kingdom

Why we hacked the UK’s sexual violence in schools policy

Why we hacked the UK’s sexual violence in schools policy

#EveryBodyCounts — Last week, BodyCount, a campaign group of five south London teens, hacked the government's official site to fix its policy on sexual violence in schools – they explain why.

Written by: BodyCount

Easing the gay blood ban means more sexual stigma

Easing the gay blood ban means more sexual stigma

Pyrrhic victory — In the wake of a rule change meaning that more gay men can give blood, writer Benjamin Weil argues that the burden of AIDS discrimination has merely shifted elsewhere in the community.

Written by: Benjamin Weil

Poignant portraits of the prom that never happened

Poignant portraits of the prom that never happened

Lost summer — After their school proms were cancelled due to COVID-19, photographer Alys Tomlinson captured north London teens in the outfits they would have worn.

Written by: Miss Rosen

How coke and MDMA could be legally sold

How coke and MDMA could be legally sold

Reform now — The push to relax drugs laws is gaining momentum globally, with Oregon becoming the first state to decriminalise. But what would a legalised market in the UK actually look like?

Written by: Jonny Winship

In Scotland, sex workers are battling for their rights

In Scotland, sex workers are battling for their rights

#NotEqualNotSafe — Campaigners are fighting back on plans from the Scottish government to make buying sex illegal, highlighting the grave danger it would cause to sex workers.

Written by: Megan Wallace

The UK's puberty blocker ruling endangers trans people

The UK's puberty blocker ruling endangers trans people

#TransKidsExist — In the wake of a High Court ruling making it harder to prescribe puberty blockers to under-16s, writer Nicola Dinan asks why anyone would celebrate a now even starker absence of healthcare for trans kids.

Written by: Nicola Dinan

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

The LGB Alliance threatens more than trans rights

#LWithTheT — In the wake of a popular British gay magazine sharing several tweets from a transphobic organisation last month, writer Jack King argues that these attempts to stoke division are a danger to us all.

Written by: Jack King

Could legal contracts for sexting end revenge porn?

Could legal contracts for sexting end revenge porn?

Sign nudes — A new app allows daters to create customised agreements before exchanging nudes, but experts and survivors question just how effective it could be in stopping perpetrators.

Written by: Brit Dawson

A portrait of UK life on the edges of gentrification

A portrait of UK life on the edges of gentrification

Homegrown — Photographer Stephen Burridge talks preserving the memory of places on the margins of capitalism and celebrating the UK's vibrant patchwork of communities.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Halcyon days at an '80s Summer Solstice Festival

Halcyon days at an '80s Summer Solstice Festival

The wild bunch — Photographer Alan Lodge remembers shooting the mini utopia that was the Stonehenge Free Festival, an event held in the fields surrounding the legendary prehistoric monument.

Written by: Miss Rosen

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