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Why does Willie J Healey regret buying an old limo?
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Why does Willie J Healey regret buying an old limo?

Apologies and other bad decisions — Willie J Healey, a twenty-year-old singer/songwriter from Oxfordshire, releases his debut EP, channelling hazy surf rock with a DIY aesthetic.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

Does pirate radio culture live on?
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Does pirate radio culture live on?

Meet London’s old school pirate icons — DJ sets and talks at Southbank Centre from the rebellious music lovers who kept Londoners supplied with illicit sounds through the ‘80s and into the early ‘90s.

Written by: Alex King

Inside Andreya Triana's audio experimentation laboratory
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Inside Andreya Triana's audio experimentation laboratory

Making it up as she goes along — After bringing Bonobo's Black Sands to life, self-taught singer and audio innovator Andreya Triana returns with her glorious second album, Giants.

Written by: Alex King

Skateboarding is empowering girls in Afghanistan
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Skateboarding is empowering girls in Afghanistan

Exhibition: Skate Girls of Kabul — Saatchi Gallery photo-exhibition features striking images of Afghan girls learning how to skate as part of the Skateistan project.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

Russell Brand's new film is a hilariously powerful call for change
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Russell Brand's new film is a hilariously powerful call for change

Things can change, things do change — Director Michael Winterbottom explains The Emperor's New Clothes is a fun and empowering wake up call to fight back against growing inequality.

Written by: Alex King

Are drug dealers just working the daily grind?
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Are drug dealers just working the daily grind?

He Works The Long Nights — Director Luke Carlisle's new short takes an alternative look at the a day in the life of a London drug dealer.

Written by: Alex King

NYC's hipster clichés come under the magnifying glass
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NYC's hipster clichés come under the magnifying glass

Brooklyn: For Real — Following in the footsteps of Vimeo series High Maintenance, Brooklyn: For Real presents a riotous parody of Brooklyn’s creative inhabitants.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

Jordy Smith on the future of surfing
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Jordy Smith on the future of surfing

Anything will be possible — O’Neill sits down with one of the best surfers in the world, Jordy Smith, for his thoughts on the future of the sport.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Are New York’s eccentric street characters being pushed out?
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Are New York’s eccentric street characters being pushed out?

Save NYC street culture — Filmmaker Nicolas Heller’s No Your City web series celebrates the city’s larger than life characters, who are being threatened by ongoing gentrification of the Big Apple.

Written by: Alex King

John Baldessari sticks it to the art world
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John Baldessari sticks it to the art world

I will not make boring art — John Baldessari’s new London show hilariously parodies an art industry that has lost touch with reality.

Written by: Robin Nierynck

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