Theresa May

The British government doesn’t care about Irish lives

The British government doesn’t care about Irish lives

Today’s comments just prove it — Gavin Williamson’s comments on whether former soldiers should face prosecution over Bloody Sunday are a disgrace. It only proves that his party have no regard for the lives of those who will never vote for or support them.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Welcome to Britain, a country that has finally lost its mind

Welcome to Britain, a country that has finally lost its mind

Please help — Two years of constant political arguments and very little progress over Brexit has come to a head. Please, Theresa – put us all out of our misery.

Written by: Dawn Foster

A vision for Britain? May can't even steal Labour policies right

A vision for Britain? May can't even steal Labour policies right

From Where I Stand — The Conservatives are flapping desperately as the housing crisis continues, writes Matt Zarb-Cousin, because to admit the market is broken would be to accept that Tory ideology is dead.

Written by: Matt Zarb-Cousin

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

From Where I Stand — Alleged sexual assaulters, arrogant bullies and secret meetings with foreign governments – the ministers charged with running the United Kingdom have a stink of putrid decay, writes Oscar Rickett.

Written by: Oscar Rickett

Boris Johnson isn’t too powerful to be sacked, May is just too weak to do it

Boris Johnson isn’t too powerful to be sacked, May is just too weak to do it

From Where I Stand — The Foreign Secretary isn't proving his might with his undermining and unpleasantries. Our weak and wobbly Prime Minister is just showing again she has no authority to lead.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Cutting the cost of a degree by a few grand won't turn young people Tory

Cutting the cost of a degree by a few grand won't turn young people Tory

From Where I Stand — The half-arsed Conservative plan to slightly cut tuition fees is an attempt to woo young voters, but all it shows is just how deluded the Tories really are.

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

If Trump does make a sneak visit to Britain, he'll see we (still) don't want him

From Where I Stand — Even if Donald Trump only makes a sneak trip to the UK now his state visit has been cancelled, the British public will make it clear he's still not welcome.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Hundreds of protesters gather to demonstrate against the DUP-Tory coalition

Hundreds of protesters gather to demonstrate against the DUP-Tory coalition

'Women marching to say no more.' — Protesters gathered in Parliament Square last weekend to oppose the Conservative-DUP coalition, chanting for the rights of women, LGBTQ people and those whose lives were lost in Grenfell.

Written by: Biju Belinky / Theo McInnes

Pissed-off protestors sum up Theresa May in just one sentence

Pissed-off protestors sum up Theresa May in just one sentence

'An absolute shitshow' — On Saturday afternoon, protestors gathered outside Downing Street, angry at the UK's shambolic government and the Tories plan to jump into bed with the backwards DUP.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Does Theresa May have a secret plan to keep Britain in the European Union?

Does Theresa May have a secret plan to keep Britain in the European Union?

We have no proof, but who cares! — There's quite literally no evidence to suggest this is true. It's fake news. But this election is increasingly dominated by false stories and non-facts. Both the Conservative Party and our right-wing press are responsible.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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