Theo McInnes

How to live a creative life in a post-recession world

How to live a creative life in a post-recession world

Love what you do — Artist and designer Gavin Strange’s book ‘Do Fly’ offers light-hearted practical advice (and hip hop lyrics) to help you follow your passion and support yourself doing the work you love.

Written by: Alex King

Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo

Photos from this weekend's protest demanding action in Aleppo

Bearing the brunt — Hundreds of people stand outside Downing Street to demand the UK government takes action to bring an end to the bloodshed in Aleppo.

Written by: Theo McInnes

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

Pussy Riot's Maria Alyokhina learnt young the price paid for standing up to injustice

A life of punk protest — We've all watched the videos, we've seen the pictures of Pussy Riot taking on the Russian state on our screens. For Maria Alyokhina though, a life of challenging the status quo, and paying for the consequences, had started many years before. Sam Williams meets Alyokhina in London, as she performs in a new play, Burning Doors.

Written by: Sam Williams

We watched homeless squatters take an old seaside nightclub

We watched homeless squatters take an old seaside nightclub

Acting on homelessness — Darren Davies' high-profile occupations of derelict buildings in Southend are forcing a debate around the lack of housing and support for homeless people in the area.

Written by: Alex King

Why domestic violence support services must not be handed to companies like G4S

Why domestic violence support services must not be handed to companies like G4S

#NoSisterIsIllegal — The private and public spheres are merging, an ideologically driven move to transfer power and profit into corporate hands. The UK is now the second largest outsourcing market in the world. But there's a human cost to allowing private companies like G4S to run services that are relied on by some of our most vulnerable citizens.

Written by: Sarah Silver

The Camp-er-Van: A travelling DIY queer venue taking on gentrification and prejudice

The Camp-er-Van: A travelling DIY queer venue taking on gentrification and prejudice

Queering the norm — LGBT venues, and nightlife more broadly, are under threat across the United Kingdom. It poses a threat to all of us, but for queer people the loss of spaces of sanctuary is even more alarming. Samuel Douek, a London based artist and performer, has created a travelling venue in a caravan that's exceeding his wildest dreams.

Written by: Samuel Douek

A look down the side streets at Notting Hill Carnival

A look down the side streets at Notting Hill Carnival

Away from the parade — As Notting Hill Carnival hits 50, crowds hit up the streets of West London for a weekend of celebrations. Take a look at the scene away from the parades, down the side streets of Notting Hill in 2016.

Written by: Michael Segalov

#WearWhatYouWant: Protest in London over French burkini ban

#WearWhatYouWant: Protest in London over French burkini ban

What happened to Liberté? — In response to the Islamophobic ban on burkini wearing in many parts of France, women protested at the French Embassy in London to call out the prejudice.

Written by: Michael Segalov

We watched angry activists release thousands of bugs in a busy London restaurant

We watched angry activists release thousands of bugs in a busy London restaurant

#BoycottByron — Earlier this week burger restaurant chain Byron hit the headlines for allegedly lying to their staff and calling fake meetings so immigration officials could swoop and make arrests. It's an incident that's been met with outrage, and last night we were invited to join a group of activists as they took matters into their own hands.

Written by: Michael Segalov

London's LGBT Latinx community remembered the victims of Orlando last night

London's LGBT Latinx community remembered the victims of Orlando last night

It's been just a matter of weeks since the Orlando shooting, which left 49 LGBT people dead. Last night London queers gathered to remember the victims and raise funds to support those who survived the shooting.

Written by: Theo McInnes

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