
Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part Two

Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part Two

Revisiting Hamadi sixteen months on — In the sixteen months since Hamadi's journey from Syria to the Netherlands was chronicled by director Liz Mermin, her home country has continued to implode and European response towards its refugees has grown increasingly hostile. Meanwhile, Hamadi's personal life has undergone major changes.

Written by: Adam White

Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part One

Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part One

Meet Hanadi — Hanadi fled war-torn Syria with her family in 2014, finding refuge in the small town of Kessel Eik in the Netherlands. While she takes the enormous upheaval in her stride, she pines for a day when she can return to the home she once knew.

Written by: Adam White

The Affected Ones: Why French teenagers are joining ISIS

The Affected Ones: Why French teenagers are joining ISIS

Radicalised Runaways — Breaking down the phenomenon of ‘jihadi girl power’ – a transgressive subculture that has little to do with religion and everything to do with escapism.

Written by: Cian Traynor

Five years on: The human faces of the Syrian conflict

Five years on: The human faces of the Syrian conflict

A photographer's personal reflections — Syria is fast becoming a cinematic slideshow of guerillas, grenades and guns. But conscientious photojournalist JM Lopez is working tirelessly to capture the human face of war.

Written by: JM Lopez

Living on a knife-edge with Savages: a band confronting apathy head-on

Living on a knife-edge with Savages: a band confronting apathy head-on

Sticking to your guns in a climate of unrest — London’s fiercest post-punk group won’t tell anyone what to think... but they do have one code to live by: ‘Be Involved. Don’t just leave politics to other people.’

Written by: Jade Bremner

Has the world hit compassion fatigue for Syria’s refugees?

Has the world hit compassion fatigue for Syria’s refugees?

Empathy reserves on empty — An anti-refugee backlash seems to sweeping the globe, reflected in media coverage and government policy. Adam White asks what has happened to our collective sympathy and concern for the human rights of refugees?

Written by: Adam White

Syrian National Orchestra to reunite at special London concert

Syrian National Orchestra to reunite at special London concert

Supported by Damon Albarn — The Syrian National Orchestra for Arabic Music will be performing live this summer at a rare London concert. It'll be the first time the orchestra has appeared together since conflict broke out in Syria in 2011, forcing the group to scatter. Special guests including frequent collaborator Damon Albarn will also be joining them.

Written by: Adam White

Video: War photographers reveal the long-term trauma of their difficult profession

Video: War photographers reveal the long-term trauma of their difficult profession

"A death unrecorded is a death forgotten." — A six-part short film series explores the long-term psychological effects of documenting moments of conflict, from the civil war in Syria to domestic violence in New York.

Written by: Adam White

Video: The street artists who bombed primetime with ‘Homeland is racist’ graffiti

Video: The street artists who bombed primetime with ‘Homeland is racist’ graffiti

Homeland Is Not A Series — Caram Kapp explains why the Arabian Street Artists had to challenge Homeland’s inaccurate and damaging portrayal of the Middle East, War on Terror and the refugee crisis.

Written by: Alex King

Turkish artist paints ordinary life back in to photos of wartorn Syrian cities

Turkish artist paints ordinary life back in to photos of wartorn Syrian cities

Life Without War — Oğuzhan Cin’s moving series evokes the everyday lives destroyed and the dreams lost for Syrian children.

Written by: Alex King

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