Man on — For many trans people, participating in sport can be fraught. Writer Arthur Webber recounts his return to football after transitioning and encouraging others to do the same.
Written by: Arthur Webber
Meet the drummies — Photographer Alice Mann reflects on capturing the compelling blend of energy, camaraderie, and discipline it takes to succeed in a highly-competitive sport.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Marseille encapsulates France’s volatile political landscape unlike anywhere else. At the heart of this tension are the Ultras: football fans ferociously dedicated to their city’s team, who have constructed a movement built on the foundations of radical politics, passion and pride.
Written by: Frank L’Opez
In partnership with adidas Terrex — Justin Yates and Sharn Mahoney are part of a new generation of bikers: one that wants to share the high-octane beauty of the sport with as many people as possible.
Written by: Shannon Mahanty
In partnership with adidas Terrex — Through her organisation Steppers UK, Cherelle Harding has created her own community: one that combines the sounds of the natural world with those of her favourite musical artists.
Written by: Huck
Time to act — Now in its 41st year, the event will unite athletes, filmmakers, conservationists and authors to discuss our role in the natural world.
Written by: Huck
In partnership with EA Sports FIFA 22 — Common Goal is an editorial series created in partnership with EA Sports and FIFA 22. In this instalment, we spotlight a joint initiative between fans of Liverpool and Everton FC, who have come together to battle hunger in the city they share.
Written by: Daisy Schofield
In partnership with Reebok — For the past four weeks, we’ve followed the Liverpool running crew as they look to take things to the next level. A new film tracks that journey – while looking ahead to an exciting future.
Written by: Huck
20th Century Summer — Photographer Greg Hunt reflects on touring as part of a pro-skate crew in 1995, capturing the downtime between demos, and how the sport has evolved.
Written by: Huck
In partnership with EA Sports FIFA 22 — Common Goal is an editorial series created in partnership with EA Sports and FIFA 22. In this instalment, we explore how the world’s most successful LGBTQ+ football team are creating a more inclusive beautiful game.
Written by: Ben Smoke