
Skate photographer Jake Darwen bombs around beautiful New Zealand

Skate photographer Jake Darwen bombs around beautiful New Zealand

The Element Perspective — Element Advocate Jake Darwen teams up with Element to produce a T-shirt collection and releases this cruisey video.

Written by: Shelley Jones

No 'industry' can ever keep up with culture

No 'industry' can ever keep up with culture

Can skateboarding save Silicon Valley? WTF? — When any 'industry' tries to co-opt a culture, it's like watching a clown car chase through a hall of mirrors. Look away, Michael Fordham says, and just focus on what you do.

Written by: Michael Fordham

Is Zambia Africa's new skate hotspot?
Why I do what I do

Is Zambia Africa's new skate hotspot?

Zambian skating is blowing up — Elijah Zgambo may be responsible for the evolution of skateboarding in Zambia, but it was dodging skinheads as a black skater in Russia where he first discovered his passion.

Written by: Alex King

An insider’s guide to the City of Angels
Why I do what I do

An insider’s guide to the City of Angels

I shouldn't share this... — Prolific skate illustrator Todd Francis on art, where to score the best tacos, secret camping spots and how to avoid assholes in Los Angeles.

Written by: Isaac McKay-Randozzi

Haroshi's incredible skateboard sculptures go on show in NYC
Top Picks

Haroshi's incredible skateboard sculptures go on show in NYC

Still Pushing Despite the Odds — Japanese sculptor Haroshi builds insane structures from discarded skateboard decks. Check out his new show at Jonathan Levine Gallery, NYC.

Written by: Alex Taylor

A coming-of-age novel that puts skateboarding on the literary map

A coming-of-age novel that puts skateboarding on the literary map

If I Fall, If I Die by Mike Christie — Former Color Magazine senior editor Mike Christie delivers a dramatic debut that doesn't trivialise skateboarding as 'dumb' or 'extreme'.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Remember the days when skateboarding was just seen as public nuisance?

Remember the days when skateboarding was just seen as public nuisance?

Huck Indies — Skate and lifestyle brand APN looks to early-day pioneers like Craig Stecyk and Tom Sims to update their grassroots vision for a new generation.

Written by: HUCK HQ

A skate zine that explores the suburbs of Staten Island

A skate zine that explores the suburbs of Staten Island

Mean Streets by Marco Hernandez — Photographer Marco Hernandez shares the characters and architecture that make up his corner of suburban Staten Island.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Glen E. Friedman on the sweet spot where music and skateboarding collide

Glen E. Friedman on the sweet spot where music and skateboarding collide

Live at the My Rules exhibition — Huck catches up with documentary photographer Glen E. Friedman in London, at his largest retrospective to date, promoting his new book My Rules.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Beer (Name) Shortage!

Beer (Name) Shortage!

Too many beers, too few names. — As the craft brewing boom becomes a battleground, Huck hopes to make a peace offering by spotlighting killer brews — and a few naming strategies — that stand out.

Written by: Alex King

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