
How did the world’s poorest country double life expectancy in just 20 years?

How did the world’s poorest country double life expectancy in just 20 years?

Rwanda’s health miracle — After near total destruction during the 1994 genocide, Rwanda’s health system overcame an AIDS epidemic to become a shining example of success for developing countries across the globe.

Written by: Alex King

For desperate refugees this small Greek village is Europe's impenetrable final frontier

For desperate refugees this small Greek village is Europe's impenetrable final frontier

Inside Idomeni — Sat close to Greece's border with Macedonia is Idomeni, a small village that's currently the temporary home to thousands of refugees. Photographer Gus Palmer reports from the ground.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Defending the right of women to choose: abortion campaigners clash in London

Defending the right of women to choose: abortion campaigners clash in London

Her body her choice — We watched a planned anti-abortion protest get blockaded this weekend as pro-lifers tried to harass women at an East London abortion clinic. Activists from Feminist Fightback, a group fighting for “reproductive justice”, blocked their path, refusing to let anyone stop women exercising autonomy over their own bodies.

Written by: Lars Hamer

Tens of thousands march through London to demand an end to austerity

Tens of thousands march through London to demand an end to austerity

#4demands — This Saturday 150,000 people descended on the British capital to call for an end to austerity, and with #4demands of health, homes, jobs and education for all. We headed down to see what was happening.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The Travel Diary: Documenting daily life in North Korea

The Travel Diary: Documenting daily life in North Korea

The people of the regime — Documentary photographer Gianluca Pardelli heads to North Korea to capture the human faces of this mysterious and repressive regime.

Written by: Gianluca Pardelli

Iceland protests set to continue until the entire government resigns

Iceland protests set to continue until the entire government resigns

The power of the Pirates — The political uprisings in Iceland will continue until the entire government resigns, according to the political activist group Jæja. Huck investigates how widespread the mistrust between government and citizen in Iceland really is.

Written by: Lars Hamer

RIP Howard Marks, Oxford-educated author, activist and notorious drug smuggler

RIP Howard Marks, Oxford-educated author, activist and notorious drug smuggler

Exclusive archive interview — From the decedent corridors of Oxford University to the bunkers of the British Secret Service, the life of Howard Marks, "the most sophisticated drugs baron of all time", was nothing short of remarkable. On the day he dies here's our exclusive interview - talking prison, drugs, and his extraordinary life.

Written by: Shelley Jones

Thousands march through London to demand David Cameron's resignation

Thousands march through London to demand David Cameron's resignation

#ResignDavidCameron — As revelations continue to surface about the British Prime Minister's tax affairs, protestors took to the streets of London today to demand David Cameron's resignation, and an end to the tax loopholes that serve the super-rich.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Where is the line between online privacy and security?

Where is the line between online privacy and security?

We asked an expert — The amount of data we're producing is rapidly increasing, and governments are desperate to access it. But where should the line be drawn between security and privacy? We asked an expert to find out.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Should David Cameron resign over offshore trusts conflict of interest?

Should David Cameron resign over offshore trusts conflict of interest?

Family business — Explainer: Where does the UK PM’s money come from, how is he linked to tax havens and should he resign - like Iceland’s PM when faced with similar accusations?

Written by: Alex King

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