

How ‘Smack City’ Liverpool halted an HIV epidemic

The Mersey Model — In an oral history, the people at the centre of a pioneering harm reduction approach explain how Merseyside avoided an AIDS crisis among injecting drug users, unlike other parts of the country, which was replicated globally and saved untold lives.

Written by: Ella Glover


Athens is rising up against police brutality

Chaos in the streets — Earlier this month, a video allegedly showing an officer beating a man circulated in Greece. It has since violently unleashed pent-up anger over an out-of-control police force and the government’s mishandling of the pandemic and destruction of democratic rights.

Written by: Alex King


The internet’s substitute mothers are here to help

r/MomForAMinute — As the pandemic leaves people feeling scared and vulnerable, Reddit users are seeking out stand-in mothers for advice, love and comfort – but some experts suggest it might not always be the healthiest coping strategy.

Written by: Jessica Lucas


How the BAFTAs faced up to its problem with race

Behind the scenes — This week, the awards ceremony unveiled its diverse nominations list – a far cry from the overwhelmingly white line-up from last year. But do these changes go far enough, and what will it take for the rest of the industry to follow suit?

Written by: Rory Horne


Inside the soaring Pokémon trade fuelled by lockdown

Gotta Catch Em’ All — With the pandemic triggering widespread nostalgia, many have found themselves returning to childhood favourites like Pokémon, which turned 25 this year. And now, card traders are raking in hundreds of thousands by capitalising on the growing demand.

Written by: Gunseli Yalcinkaya


Is lockdown fuelling a student gambling crisis?

Rolling the dice — Looking for ways to fill the hours, the pandemic has caused a perfect storm for student gamblers. But some fear their habit to alleviate boredom could be spiralling into addiction.

Written by: Serena Smith


TikTokers are using secret hashtags to discuss self-harm

Under the radar — The hashtag #selfharm is censored on TikTok, but that hasn’t stopped users from speaking out about their experiences. While the platform needs to do more to keep young people safe from triggering content, experts stress that the problem runs much deeper than social media.

Written by: Serena Smith


Inside the Reddit community calling for the abolition of work

’Unemployment for all!’ — As the Covid crisis exacerbates and exposes the problematic structure of work, the subreddit r/antiwork are asking: what if the issue with work was work itself?

Written by: Emma Pirnay


Inside an NHS hospital at breaking point

‘It‘s relentless‘ — While Covid infection rates may be dropping, the crisis continues unabated inside hospitals. Politics Editor Ben Smoke reports from Homerton Hospital, London, speaking to frontline medical staff about the profound emotional and physical toll they face every single day.

Written by: Ben Smoke


Can psychedelics break down racial barriers?

New perspectives — Our era has been described as a ‘Psychedelic Renaissance’, with growing interest in the potential mental health benefits of hallucinogenics. But could these mind-altering experiences help people of colour navigate racism?

Written by: Adam Quarshie

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