Malibu burning — The Woolsey Fire started on November 8, 2018. It would go on to destroy over 1600 structures – including Jamie Brisick’s home. Two months later, he reflects on the blaze that engulfed his beloved Point Dume, in Malibu.
Written by: Jamie Brisick
‘Punir les pauvres’ — Over the past few years, Paris City Council has legalised several legendary artists’ squats to capitalise on their ‘cool’ factor. But as writer Eloïse Stark discovered, the move has effectively destroyed the founding principles of this underground scene.
Written by: Eloïse Stark
The aftermath — The country said it was time to repeal the Eighth Amendment and make abortion legal seven months ago. But for those on the ground, almost nothing has changed.
Written by: Lydia Morrish
Paris is burning — Now in their fourth week, the Yellow Vests protests are becoming increasingly tense. We head to Paris to meet some of the demonstrators defiantly demanding change in their country.
Written by: Alexander Durie
Eel Pie’s secrets — Hidden away in the depths of west London, the 500-metre long Eel Pie Island has always guarded its secrets well – but its incredible legacy is about to be uncovered.
Written by: Jessica Furseth
Paris goes purple — Around 30,000 people took to the streets of Paris on Saturday for a rally spurred by #NousToutes (#UsAll) – the feminist movement calling for an end to all forms of violence against women.
Written by: Alexander Durie
Everything you need to know — While sex work has always been a precarious profession, the UK government is now pushing it to its limits. Writer Lydia Morrish meets the collectives and organisations who are revolting for their rights.
Written by: Lydia Morrish
Going underground — The capital’s nightlife is under constant threat, but a new wave of DIY fetish parties is fighting back. Writer Will Coldwell takes a trip to the dungeons.
Written by: Will Coldwell
The death of Hackney Wick — The fight to save Hackney Wick is about more than artists losing homes – it’s about who London is for, and what we stand to lose when they’re gone. Writer Jessica Furseth meets the locals being ushered out by a new era.
Written by: Jessica Furseth
Post-revolution — Five months ago, the people of Armenia ousted their Prime Minister in a peaceful revolution – but the future isn't as bright as it promised to be. Journalist Joe Nerssessian joins them in Yerevan as they gear up for more direct action.
Written by: Joe Nerssessian