Change of tune — Grappling with societal fractures and a far-right surge, young Germans have discovered a new way of building bridges in the face of disunity: hip hop.
Written by: Alice Austin
A tale of two cities — Although hailed as the city’s ‘indie’ heartland, the area has become a tourist magnet and Airbnb hotspot. Is there still time to save it?
Written by: Andrea Sandor
Pumped up kicks — In a leafy London suburb, a group of dedicated warriors have carved out a space where they can be the best versions of themselves – mind, body and soul. Welcome to Shaolin Temple UK: a martial arts school where the path to mastery starts within.
Written by: Niall Flynn
‘Some of us will die’ — As Jair Bolsonaro’s fascistic grip tightens around the country, there are fears that even the most basic of protections will be stripped away – leaving sex workers more vulnerable than ever.
Written by: Peter Yeung
Knock Knock: An Election Special — Will this be the first time that a serving Prime Minister loses his seat? Uxbridge’s Labour candidate Ali Milani is running against Boris Johnson, in an effort to make that happen.
Written by: Josh Schot
Knock Knock: An Election Special — At just 23 years old, Nadia Whittome – the Labour candidate for Nottingham East – stands at the brink of a life-changing election for herself and her country. In this Huck election special, we join her on the campaign trail to find out how she got here, and what she hopes to achieve next.
Written by: Ben Smoke
The disappearing city — As the city’s population rises, the future of its green spaces – which are vital for community spirit, physical health and mental wellbeing – are in doubt. Writer Jessica Furseth meets the people trying to save them.
Written by: Jessica Furseth
A whole year later — One year since uncontrollable flames wreaked havoc through Malibu, Huck’s Contributing Editor looks back on what losing everything can teach you.
Written by: Jamie Brisick
Season of disruption — This week, Chilean protestors have been taking a stand against inequality, corruption and soaring living costs. We join them on the streets as they fight for a fairer future.
Written by: Stephanie Quick
Season of disruption — Writer and photographer Peter Brooks braves the heckles with the most enigmatic faction of the Extinction Rebellion uprisings.
Written by: Peter Brooks