
London remembered refugees who've died in inhumane Australian detention

London remembered refugees who've died in inhumane Australian detention

#closethecamps — To highlight the plight of refugees arriving in Australia - regularly subjected to inhumane treatment - guerilla projectionists lit up the walls of the Australian High Commission in London last night.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Asylum seekers in Britain face a system destined to destroy their mental health

Asylum seekers in Britain face a system destined to destroy their mental health

Living a life in limbo — Many of those seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are living in a state of flux; unable to legally work for a living, with dire consequences on community relations and mental health. In Oldham, near Manchester, one woman knows just how painful this can be.

Written by: David Shaw

Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part One

Video: One woman's experiences as a Syrian refugee – Part One

Meet Hanadi — Hanadi fled war-torn Syria with her family in 2014, finding refuge in the small town of Kessel Eik in the Netherlands. While she takes the enormous upheaval in her stride, she pines for a day when she can return to the home she once knew.

Written by: Adam White

Has the world hit compassion fatigue for Syria’s refugees?

Has the world hit compassion fatigue for Syria’s refugees?

Empathy reserves on empty — An anti-refugee backlash seems to sweeping the globe, reflected in media coverage and government policy. Adam White asks what has happened to our collective sympathy and concern for the human rights of refugees?

Written by: Adam White

In Pictures: Coming of age as a Sudanese refugee in Australia

In Pictures: Coming of age as a Sudanese refugee in Australia

Embracing a new life, preserving your heritage — Coming of age is hard, no matter how or where it happens. But for thousands of young people from South Sudan, growing up in Australia has been tantamount to a fresh start – an opportunity to forge new friendships, ambitions and identities.

Written by: Shannon Jensen

Amazing things created by refugees

Amazing things created by refugees

Displaced culture — In Huck 53 we explore real stories of refugees: What does it mean to be forced from your home and to set off for a new life with no guarantees? Here's a list of refugees who went on to make great things.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Video: A Syrian refugee family during five years of civil war

Video: A Syrian refugee family during five years of civil war

A Syrian Love Story — Documentarian Sean McAllister describes his long journey with a Syrian family during the unfathomable fall of an entire country.

Written by: Shelley Jones

How do we break the cycle of violence after the Paris attacks?

How do we break the cycle of violence after the Paris attacks?

Imagine a peaceful world — As France launches airstrikes on ISIS and declares it is at war, Alex King asks is there a way to stop the escalating violence?

Written by: Alex King

Europe’s refugee crisis requires comprehensive solutions, says Baroness Valerie Amos

Europe’s refugee crisis requires comprehensive solutions, says Baroness Valerie Amos

No quick fixes — Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Baroness Valerie Amos speaks from experience about the need for long-term policies to address the refugee crisis.

Written by: Sam Warner

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