Making sense of the brutal nonsense — Ahead of the release of his new EP, hip hop artist Dizraeli shares stories from his travels and the influences to his new stripped-back sound. Here we exclusively drop the video for 'Morning Light' from his new EP.
Written by: Natasha Turner
Helping refugees at Europe's frontier — Volunteers have stepped in to fill gaps where the international community has failed to avert a humanitarian disaster.
Written by: HUCK HQ
Daniel Ali's 'The Journey of a Stateless Man' — A new short film chronicles the journey of one man fleeing to the UK following persecution in Kuwait, but only discovering the horror of the Jungle refugee camp.
Written by: Adam White
A memorial to asylum seekers — After his studio in Shanghai was torn down and his studio in Beijing bugged, Ai has opened up a new space to make art about the plight of refugees.
Written by: Josh Gabert-Doyon
Homeland Is Not A Series — Caram Kapp explains why the Arabian Street Artists had to challenge Homeland’s inaccurate and damaging portrayal of the Middle East, War on Terror and the refugee crisis.
Written by: Alex King
Europe’s Border Crisis: The Long Road — Over two weeks, documentary photographer and filmmaker Adam Patterson travelled with refugees making the harrowing journey across Europe to shoot a powerful new documentary.
Written by: Alex King
Canvases for change — Artists are listing their work for sale at the Creative Collective for Refugee Relief, with all proceeds going to aid groups. And you can submit your artwork too.
Written by: Alex King
24 hours in Calais — Huge public pressure has forced European governments to respond to the global refugee crisis. But for the three thousand people living in deplorable conditions in The Jungle, relief is a long way off.
Written by: Alex King
A swarm of solidarity — The lack of government humanitarian support and incendiary media coverage has prompted ordinary people to go to Calais and help out any way they know how.
Written by: Alex King
Years of worsening conditions — Photographer Mathias Depardon has spent years tracking migration across Europe for his Beyond The Borders project. We asked for his perspective on recent events around Calais.
Written by: Alex King