Beyond the headlines — This handy video breaks down the Syrian conflict and shows why it has created a refugee crisis across the Middle East and Europe.
Written by: Sam Warner
No quick fixes — Former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Baroness Valerie Amos speaks from experience about the need for long-term policies to address the refugee crisis.
Written by: Sam Warner
Decay on the fringes — Hungarian photographer Tamas Dezso documents life in the ignored villages and post-industrial towns of Hungary and Romania.
Written by: Alex King
Canvases for change — Artists are listing their work for sale at the Creative Collective for Refugee Relief, with all proceeds going to aid groups. And you can submit your artwork too.
Written by: Alex King
Deus Ex Machina — When David Cameron announced yesterday a successful drone strike on a British-born target in Syria, was he cynically playing to both the hawks and the doves while conceding little in the way of true humanitarian responsibility?
Written by: Michael Fordham
24 hours in Calais — Huge public pressure has forced European governments to respond to the global refugee crisis. But for the three thousand people living in deplorable conditions in The Jungle, relief is a long way off.
Written by: Alex King
Practical advice on how to take direct action — If you're shocked and appalled by what you're hearing and seeing about the refugee crisis, here are some practical things you can do to help.
Written by: Fran Singh
Grassroots activists mobilise for displaced people — Organisations like CalAid, Refugees Welcome and the thousands of Icelanders offering their homes to displaced people, are doing more than responding to an international emergency, they're building a better Europe.
Written by: Shelley Jones
A swarm of solidarity — The lack of government humanitarian support and incendiary media coverage has prompted ordinary people to go to Calais and help out any way they know how.
Written by: Alex King
Years of worsening conditions — Photographer Mathias Depardon has spent years tracking migration across Europe for his Beyond The Borders project. We asked for his perspective on recent events around Calais.
Written by: Alex King