
This Is Diy

The countercultural manifesto of rasta punk Don Letts

'The minute you want what the Man is offering, you’re fucked.' — To celebrate 10 years of Huck, we're digging through the archives to unearth our favourite stories. For Huck 22: The Counterculture Issue, the 'visual terrorist' who introduced reggae to punk revealed why great things happen when worlds collide.

Written by: Cian Traynor


Rock, racism and rebel music: 1970s Britain through a photographer's lens

Punk not prejudice — In the 1970s racism was rife in the UK, prejudice permeated the fabric of many British towns and cities. But groups like Rock Against Racism fought back; organising protests, gigs and celebrations to pull communities together, putting themselves in serious danger in the process.

Written by: Max Gayler


The punk counsellor using his DIY ethic to promote mental health and wellbeing

Stability through punk — Peer counsellor and punk Craig Lewis suffered three decades of unnecessary medication and abuse at the hands of the psychiatric system. Today, he offers young punks struggling with mental health challenges an alternative path to recovery.

Written by: Alex King


Transcending the cruel rhythms of life in Edmonton, Canada

Music-making in the “northern shitty oil-city” — Dave Ehrenreich’s documentary ‘Rhythm of Cruelty’ follows the Canadian band of the same name, duo and romantic partners Brandi Strauss and Ian Rowley. Ehrenreich shows how Strauss and Rowley are attempting to revise the negative stereotypes which they say are associated with Edmonton by following their dream of touring their experimental punk band.

Written by: Christopher Sanders


Myanmar’s punk pacifists are healing their divided country

Punk Buddha — Punk’s pacifist roots have endured around the world, from anti-war protestors to Riot Grrrls. Now that history is continuing in Myanmar, a country divided by religious conflict, where a group of altruistic rebels are refusing to give into fear of ‘the other’.

Written by: Adam White


The Firestarters: meet the photographers who captured punk

Style that still burns brightly — As Punk London’s year-long celebration takes over the Photographers’ Gallery with an exhibition of punk portraits, photographers Derek Ridger and Anita Corbin share the stories behind their iconic images.

Written by: Jack Richardson


Behind the scenes on a DIY punk tour around the globe

A photo diary — Denmark's DIY trailblazers Yung share their tour adventures, shot by frontman and creative powerhouse Mikkel Holm Silkjær.

Written by: Alex King


Misfit City: The renaissance riot grrrls of Tacoma

Forever punk — In the shadow of music meccas Seattle, Olympia and Portland, a new wave of all-inclusive, female-led punk is bursting out of small-town, blue-collar Tacoma.

Written by: HUCK HQ


Huck’s favourite radical women

The fearless females shaking it up — To celebrate International Women's Day, meet the female change-makers, cultural icons, artists and freedom fighters from the Huck archives.

Written by: Alex King


Mapping the squats, strip clubs and bars that launched punk

London Calling — Forty years after punk first 'posed a threat to normal life', writer and cultural historian Paul Gorman charts the sub-culture's hidden history within London and reveals why the city remains the capital of cool.

Written by: Cian Traynor

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