

The sex zines you should be reading in 2018

Five of the best — From sex work and sordid confessionals, to contemporary art and cult comics: we round up the most boundary-breaking independent publications.

Written by: HUCK HQ


How the hell do the British tabloids get away with it?

Libel, lies and legal — UK tabloids publish covers that seem to defame on a regular basis – but somehow they get away with it. Huck's media lawyer, Alex Wade, explains the tenuous line separating free speech from libel – and why he's written a whole novel about it.

Written by: Vince Medeiros


The DIY magazine putting young women of colour front and centre

Typical Girls — Jamila Prowse and the team behind Typical Girls dreamed of creating a magazine that represented them. Now they're doing it, and think you should do the same.

Written by: Briony Cartmell


Heartfelt advice from a renowned writer to a novice

'It's all shit until it isn't' — Award-winning author Colum McCann has made a book of tips to save writers time and suffering. Huck reached out to him for some personalised guidance.

Written by: Cian Traynor


The 'nasty women' shaking up the book industry

How to start a publishing house — Inspired by Trump's misogyny, Laura Jones and Heather McDaid decided to start a grassroots literary revolution – and their first book is about to drop a bomb.

Written by: Kirstyn Smith


Dream to zine: Why it's easier than ever to self-publish

Long live print — The digital revolution may be upon us, but there's a fightback already underway. Self-publishing has never been easier, so check out these handy tips.

Written by: Bryn Evans


Twenty-one non-white writers on life in Britain today

The Good Immigrant — What is it really like to be a person of colour living in modern Britain? Twenty-one writers discuss this reality, and share what it means to them in a new crowdfunded anthology fittingly titled The Good Immigrant.

Written by: Tenelle Ottley-Matthew


The magazine for outsiders, built from nothing but ideas

The Editorial — After being let go from her job, and turned away from every publication, Claire Milbrath started her own title to bring emerging artists into the light, away from the establishment's doors.

Written by: Josh Gabert-Doyon


Dave Eggers’ advice for leading a life of creativity, on your own terms

Heroes of Independence — To celebrate a decade of self-rule, we caught up with icons who personify the spirit of independence. In this instalment, Dave Eggers shares his experience as a writer and publisher who knows how to get shit done – without having to make soul-destroying compromises.

Written by: Cian Traynor


How to break into publishing, Riot Grrrl style

Amplifying writers that go unheard... — Writer Tiffany Scandal is building a platform for fresh voices via Portland’s King Shot Press, a DIY publisher of radical books and ideas. This is her guide to making yourself heard and packing a stylistic punch.

Written by: Richard Daniels

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