Reclaiming space — A prison in North London has been occupied by feminist direct action group Sisters Uncut, determined to put domestic violence services at the heart of this general election.
Written by: Michael Segalov
A city mourns — Last night thousands of people gathered in Manchester city centre to remember those killed and injured in Monday's attack. Mancunian photographer Olivier Richomme headed down.
Written by: Olivier Richomme // Michael Segalov
Brick by brick, wall by wall — Up to a thousand protestors descended on Yarl's Wood Detention Centre on Saturday to demand the closure of prisons that lock up asylum seekers indefinitely. The calls are growing louder, could their demands soon become a reality?
Written by: Michael Segalov
Greve Geral — Workers all over the country come together to protest against the weakening of labour laws, met with violent repression by the police.
Written by: Biju Belinky
'Hands off the gays' — Queer people and their allies descended on the Russian embassy in London last night after it was reported that gay men in Chechnya are being rounded up and killed.
Written by: Michael Segalov
From Where I Stand — Pepsi's new Kendall Jenner protest advert isn't just tone-deaf and ridiculous, it highlights the all too real way in which protest movements are co-opted, not just by corporations but by those who want to hollow out a movement's radical ideas. Just look at what happened in Brazil.
Written by: Biju Belinky
The racists return — A small number of racist thugs took to the streets of London this weekend in an attempt to spread fear and hatred in the capital. As per usual, anti-fascist protestors showed up in bigger numbers to try and shut it down.
Written by: Michael Segalov
A very human crisis — Campaigners in London take to Westminster with a human paper-chain in an action they hope will force the British government to stop separating child refugees from their families.
Written by: Michael Segalov
Clearing up the bullshit — The right-wing press have been whipping up hysteria after an image of a burning Union Jack was spotted in London. But it's got nothing to do with terror, if only they'd bothered to look.
Written by: Charlotte England
And it's getting worse — Sexual assault and harassment is commonplace on campuses on both sides of the Atlantic, so students at one London university are taking matters into their own hands.
Written by: Biju Belinky