Taking a stand — With reports of police brutality and rising racism, the country is getting ready to fight.
Written by: April Clare Welsh
Strength in numbers — This weekend, hundred of protestors took to the streets of London to march against violence and austerity.
Written by: Lydia Morrish
Tear it up — From Barbara Kruger and Wangechi Mutu to Lorna Simpson: women have been pioneering the DIY art form for the last century. We speak to three artists on what cutting up and piecing together mixed media can tell us about gender, activism and the modern age.
Written by: Cristiana Bedei
Power in protest — In his stark black and white images, photographer Martin Jenkinson captures the spirit, desperation and empowerment of protest.
Written by: Hannah Clugston
Paris is burning — Now in their fourth week, the Yellow Vests protests are becoming increasingly tense. We head to Paris to meet some of the demonstrators defiantly demanding change in their country.
Written by: Alexander Durie
Black in America — Artist Hank Willis Thomas explores black identity and representation; using art to probe who we are, how we came to be and what is important.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Paris goes purple — Around 30,000 people took to the streets of Paris on Saturday for a rally spurred by #NousToutes (#UsAll) – the feminist movement calling for an end to all forms of violence against women.
Written by: Alexander Durie
Nomad’s land — Raised on the move, Jessica Lehrman inherited a restless search for magic. These days she applies that spirit of wanderlust in a different way – documenting underground movements – but the ethos is just the same.
Written by: Jessica Lehrman
‘The time to rebel is now’ — This weekend, thousands of demonstrators from environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion blockaded the bridges of London.
Written by: Eva Clifford
And so it begins... — Earlier this week, Brazil elected the racist, sexist, climate change-denying neofascist Jair Bolsonaro to be president. Now, it’s time for resistance.
Written by: Lucca Messer