Priti Patel

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

How the soaring cost of living is impacting asylum seekers

‘State-sponsored cruelty‘ — For asylum seekers, who are given a paltry sum to live off by the Home Office, rising prices are set to make a desperate financial situation even worse.

Written by: Isabella Cipirska

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

The fight against the UK‘s new women’s immigration centre

No To Hassockfield — Campaigners aren‘t giving up the fight to close a ‘barbaric’ detention centre which they say endangers women looking for safety.

Written by: Lauren Crosby Medlicott

Protesters gather in London to oppose more police powers

Protesters gather in London to oppose more police powers

Kill The Bill — Last night, hundreds came together to rally against the government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill in Westminster as it grows ever closer to becoming law.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The Borders Bill is a violent solution to an imaginary crisis

The Borders Bill is a violent solution to an imaginary crisis

Welcome refugees — Priti Patel’s Nationality and Borders Bill relies on falsehoods around the illegality of channel crossings and will only endanger refugees. We must resist the government’s scaremongering tactics, writes JIWC’s communications officer, Nadia Hasan.

Written by: Nadia Hasan

We must keep up the fight to remove all police from schools

We must keep up the fight to remove all police from schools

Decriminalise the classroom — Last month a campaign to oust police from schools in Greater Manchester proved victorious – but organisers say this is just the first step in dismantling an entrenched culture of over-policing that plagues Britain.

Written by: Vuyokazi Mtukela

Vietnamese migrants are set to face cruel deportation flight

Vietnamese migrants are set to face cruel deportation flight

Callous system — Campaigners are calling on the government to stop a deportation flight carrying up to 22 migrants and to bring an end to the continued criminalisation of those seeking help and refuge.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The Borders Bill will replicate callous Australian policy

The Borders Bill will replicate callous Australian policy

Broken systems — Senator Nick McKim of the Australian Greens and Benali Hamdache of the UK Green Party explain why Priti Patel’s new Immigration Bill will resemble the worst part’s of Australia policy, inflicting the same suffering, merely under a Union Jack.

Written by: Nick McKim and Benali Hamdache

The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The Borders Bill will endanger those it claims to protect

The fight ahead — While the Tories claim that their authoritarian Bill will create a fairer system, in reality, it’ll only serve to harm the most marginalised and vulnerable, writes Leah Cowan.

Written by: Leah Cowan

Photos from Brighton’s spirited ‘Kill The Bill’ protests

Photos from Brighton’s spirited ‘Kill The Bill’ protests

No more police powers — Over the weekend, hundreds of people attended protests in Bristol and Brighton against a controversial policing bill ahead of it being debated in the Commons this week. Photographer Andy Nall-Cain was on hand to capture the action.

Written by: Huck

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

From Where I Stand — Alleged sexual assaulters, arrogant bullies and secret meetings with foreign governments – the ministers charged with running the United Kingdom have a stink of putrid decay, writes Oscar Rickett.

Written by: Oscar Rickett

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