

Is democracy a religion that has failed the poor?

The illusion of empowerment — After the disappointment of the UK's election result, Dr Giles Fraser wonders if elections are just an elaborate charade to maintain the status quo.

Written by: Alex King


What we learned at Huck’s alternative election party

Ballot boxes, social media and revolution — Huck hosted a rowdy night of political debate on the eve of the UK’s general election. Here are the best bits.

Written by: Alex King


Inside Anonymous

A Million Men — Shout Out UK present a short documentary on the effects of the 2014 Million Mask March and the role of Anonymous in mobilising young political activists.

Written by: Robin Nierynck


Pre-election double bill at 71a, brought to you by Huck and Little White Lies

Films, discussion, change — In election week, Huck and Little White Lies present two free nights of films and debate on politics and activism today.

Written by: Alex King


Huck’s Alternative Election Party

Vote or take to the streets? — We're screening Russell Brand’s new film The Emperor’s New Clothes and having a chat about activism, radical politics and alternatives to the ballot box. It's completely free so join us at Huck’s 71a Gallery on Wednesday May 6 at 7pm.

Written by: HUCK HQ


So you want to start your own country?

Micronations of the world, unite — Liberland is the latest micronation to declare its independence. Huck looks at how other self-declared countries have fared after deciding to go it alone.

Written by: Robin Nierynck


What is Russell Brand doing interviewing Ed Miliband?

Labour chief appears on The Trews — Michael Fordham explains this unlikely meeting shows how fragmented our political circus has become.

Written by: Michael Fordham


Can youth leaders make politics work for young people?

Will governments ever listen? — In the lead up to the general election, Shout Out UK and Channel 4 present the first head-to-head debate between youth representatives of the seven major British political parties.

Written by: Alex King


Russell Brand occupies an empty home and steps into London’s fierce housing battle

A new frontline in London’s housing crisis — Talking capitalism, free ice cream and fighting the social cleansing of Barnet’s Sweets Way Estate with comedian-turned-revolutionary Russell Brand.

Written by: Alex King


As Jon Stewart quits the Daily Show we look back on his best moments

16 years of satire, sarcasm and sanity — Fox News, the Israel/Palestine conflict and media fear mongering have all come in for spectacular criticism from the undisputed ruler of satirical news.

Written by: Alex King

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