

‘Our generation will end racism’

Lessons from the Bikelife scene — What does the Black Lives Matter movement look like at street level? Photographer, filmmaker and Bikelife rider Nonso Onwuta shares a personal perspective on the London protests.

Written by: Nonso Onwuta


The future of British culture: is it doomed, or can we save it?

A national crisis — The UK’s cultural landscape has been torn apart by years of commoditization and Tory-inflicted austerity. The coronavirus crisis could be the final blow.

Written by: Nathalie Olah


It’s time to confront the ‘Karen’ in all of us

Unpacking White Privilege — You may be identifying and calling out racism on social media, but that doesn’t make you absolved from its evils. There is still so much more work to do, writes Nathalie Olah.

Written by: Nathalie Olah


Britain is in a food crisis – and it’s only getting worse

Time to act — The coronavirus pandemic has seen a record demand for UK food banks, with millions of people going hungry due to the financial implications of lockdown. In response, activists are stepping up where the government is failing – advocating for a National Food Service to solve the crisis.

Written by: Emma Latham Phillips


Photography that fought for major social & political change

The world of Dorothea Lange — Photographer Dorothea Lange travelled across the US in the mid-20th century, creating a complex portrait of American life at its most bleak.

Written by: Miss Rosen


How the pandemic exposed Britain’s care crisis

Capitalism’s dirty secret — The government’s decision to reopen state schools is nothing to do with education, and only proves that capitalism is dependent on care work.

Written by: Aaron Bastani


‘Information should be clear, accurate and accessible to all’

Inside the Dysturb Collective — The Dysturb Collective use street art and photography to deliver COVID-19 information that reaches beyond the mainstream bubble.

Written by: Guillaume Le Goff


For indigenous people, COVID-19 is only the latest battle

A view from Brazil — Brazil’s former vice-presidential candidate Sonia Guajajara calls for urgent environmental action amid the existential threat posed by the coronavirus.

Written by: Sonia Guajajara


The anticapitalist streaming service taking on Netflix

This is Means TV — Means TV is the world’s first ‘post-capitalist, worker-owned streaming service’, providing subscribers with leftist documentaries, films and cartoons. But in an industry run by big business and billionaires, can it really survive?

Written by: Daisy Schofield


Anti-prostitution ‘feminism’ has no place in a pandemic

People are in danger — With no protection or support to deal with the coronavirus crisis, sex workers are more vulnerable than ever. It’s time to put aside your personal politics, argues Molly Smith.

Written by: Molly Smith

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