
The best documentaries you can watch now (for free)

The best documentaries you can watch now (for free)

You’ve got the time — The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam has opened its archives, with over 300 films available to stream for free. We picked out some of the best.

Written by: Kambole Campbell

Fast fashion hasn’t stopped putting profits over people

Fast fashion hasn’t stopped putting profits over people

The Coronavirus fallout — As shipments get cancelled and factories shut down, the global pandemic has caused chaos and suffering for millions of garment workers across the Global South.

Written by: Tansy Hoskins

The Tories still don’t care about you

The Tories still don’t care about you

This is not socialism — It took a global pandemic, but the Conservatives have finally managed to find their ‘magic money tree’. Unfortunately, it only works for the middle and upper classes, writes Tristan Cross.

Written by: Tristan Cross

If we can save the airlines, we can save the planet

If we can save the airlines, we can save the planet

The jig is up — The Coronavirus has shown that, when the wealthy are at risk, we can mobilise state power and plough public funds. It’s time we did the same for the climate crisis.

Written by: Eleanor Penny

Ways you can help during the Coronavirus crisis

Ways you can help during the Coronavirus crisis

(Aside from staying at home) — We may be trapped inside, but there is still so much we can do to support each other and help the most vulnerable in our communities.

Written by: Eva Clifford

In these trying times, we must simply eat the rich

In these trying times, we must simply eat the rich

Imagine there’s no billionaires — There’s nothing like a global economic crisis to change minds. And right now, we’re only about three more ‘Imagine’ videos away from a revolution.

Written by: Aimee Cliff

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