
William S. Burroughs

William S. Burroughs

100th Birthday — A tribute to controversial 'beat' author William S. Burroughs who would have been 100 years old today, February 5, 2014.

Written by: John Long

Southbank Activists

Southbank Activists

Political Young People — The battle for the Southbank skate spot is still raging but no matter what the outcome, the Southbank activists (LLSB) have succeeded in mobilising a stigmatised London youth.

Written by: Bryony Beynon

Cycling Safety

Cycling Safety

Stop The Blame Game — Is there anything more pointless than trying to score points over death? Ted Endo wades in on London's cycling safety debate.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo



Internet LOL or dumb racist slur? — A Spanish-speaking, half-Japanese American now living in England considers what the trending internet meme 'Engrish' really says about us all.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

On Facebook Posts

On Facebook Posts

Thought Box — In a new video column series, Thought Box, Ted Endo vents his frustration at all those inane Facebook posts that litter his feed.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Modern-day minstrel. — Whether she's appropriating black culture or selling sex, Miley Cyrus is guilty of all manner of crimes. Or so we, her outraged audience, like to think. But what if there's nothing deeper going on, beyond a bad case of manufactured mimicry? Tetsuhiko Endo shares his thoughts.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

The Hipster

The Hipster

A Totem of Decline — The abundance of this meta-faux-ironic character is a symbol of all that is going wrong with the Western dream.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

Al Aazlah

Al Aazlah

A Land Of Gilded Dreams — Photographer Amy Leang captures the lonely side of life in the United Arab Emirates in her Al Aazlah photo project.

Written by: Amy Leang

Vincent Stanley

Vincent Stanley

Five Thoughts — Writer, environmentalist and Patagonia's longest-serving employee, Vincent Stanley, shares some of his wisdom on our shared responsibility to nature.

Written by: D'Arcy Doran

Joel Rice

Joel Rice

Contest — Joel Rice is a skateboarder and journalist who writes FLIP, a skate-related column for McSweeney's featuring in-depth interviews with everyone from Thrasher editor Michael Burnett and that video-game guy Tony Hawk to professional colourer-inner Ed Templeton. This short story is an experimental piece of factual fiction, inspired by events that may or may not have happened, about a day in the life of a skateboarding hack.

Written by: Joel Rice

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