
One Weekend: Four Dispatches from the front lines of Britain's Class War

One Weekend: Four Dispatches from the front lines of Britain's Class War

The lines are drawn — The FUCK Parade turned East London's Cereal Killer Café into a battleground, but as Michael Fordham discovers, the class war is alive and well across the country: from a Somerset rugby match, to a Sheffield benefit office and the scene of a shooting in Hackney.

Written by: Michael Fordham

Could Jeremy Corbyn become the world’s first crowdsourced premier?

Could Jeremy Corbyn become the world’s first crowdsourced premier?

Public schoolboy politics on the way out — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will carry out his first Prime Minister's Questions with suggestions crowdsourced from supporters. Has a new way of doing politics begun?

Written by: Michael Fordham

Drone strikes and a handful of refugees: the UK’s Syria policy is shameful

Drone strikes and a handful of refugees: the UK’s Syria policy is shameful

Deus Ex Machina — When David Cameron announced yesterday a successful drone strike on a British-born target in Syria, was he cynically playing to both the hawks and the doves while conceding little in the way of true humanitarian responsibility?

Written by: Michael Fordham

One year after Mike Brown: where are we now?

One year after Mike Brown: where are we now?

Stemming the tide of violence — Since Mike Brown’s death America has witnessed the biggest movement for civil rights in a generation, but how much has it achieved? We spoke to race and policing expert Joe Feagin to find out more.

Written by: Alex King

Surprising reactions from around the world to the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe

Surprising reactions from around the world to the killing of Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe

American dentist gets shamed — Everyone is sickened by the killing of a beautiful lion in Zimbabwe. But is the hate campaign against the misguided dentist hunter a bit too much?

UK police finally wise up about cannabis, but only because they’re broke

UK police finally wise up about cannabis, but only because they’re broke

Cuts, cannabis and clicktivism — As a government online petition takes off and austerity forces police to rethink their approach, is the UK drug debate finally catching up with the rest of the world? And could legalisation be in sight?

Written by: Alex King

Kim Kardashian, Rolling Stone and the constant 'death of music'

Kim Kardashian, Rolling Stone and the constant 'death of music'

The glory days were all in our heads — Kim Kardashian's Rolling Stone cover pushed Sinead O'Connor to declare the death of music - at least the third time that music has “died” in recent years. But is it time to stop shouting about pop culture on life support - and stop being sexist and awful to Kim, too?

Written by: Alex Robert Ross

Things Fall Apart: Reflections 20 years after the Srebrenica massacre

Things Fall Apart: Reflections 20 years after the Srebrenica massacre

The ghosts of genocide — Between 11-12 July 1995, more than 8,000 Bosniaks - mainly men and boys - were killed in the town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War. Twenty years on, what can Europe learn from the continent’s worst act of genocide since the Holocaust? Michael Fordham, who worked as an aid volunteer and reported from the Balkans during the ‘90s, looks back on a recent history that we must never forget.

Written by: Michael Fordham

How should we remember the victims of 7/7?

How should we remember the victims of 7/7?

Akram Khan's Olympic tribute still packs a punch — On the tenth anniversary of the 7/7 terrorist attacks on London, few tributes are able to distance themselves from nationalism and divisiveness. But for a brief moment in 2012, an old hymn and some subtle choreography gave us a moment of collective reflection. In fact, it might be all we have, says Alex Robert Ross.

Written by: Alex Robert Ross

What can Rachel Dolezal teach us about identity politics in America?

What can Rachel Dolezal teach us about identity politics in America?

Black/white/other — In the wake of the Rachel Dolezal media extravaganza, Tetsuhiko Endo points back at the real issue: that “authentic” racial identity is a myth.

Written by: Tetsuhiko Endo

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