
Does batshit Britain really want to declare war on Spain?

Does batshit Britain really want to declare war on Spain?

From Where I Stand — It took just four days from the triggering of Article 50 for ex-Tory leader Michael Howard - high on the fumes of toxic British self-importance - to almost declare war on Spain. It's just all so predictable from a mediocre nation desperate to return to past bloodthirsty heights. Viva Britannia!

Written by: James Butler

Defiance is no 'British value', it's a universal human trait

Defiance is no 'British value', it's a universal human trait

From Where I Stand — In the wake of the Westminster attack, politicians have been quick to claim it's a 'British value' to remain stoic, to ensure that life carries on as before. The reality is it's a human trait, not a British one, to face life's adversities. To think otherwise suggests our superiority, the dangerous idea of 'us v them'.

Written by: Ellie Mae O'Hagan

No, being kinky is not the same as being queer

No, being kinky is not the same as being queer

From Where I Stand — When the Huffington Post decided to included kinksters in their definition of queer they disrespected a community that has been involuntarily fetishised for years.

Written by: Biju Belinky

Why 'inclusivity' in feminism isn't always a good thing

Why 'inclusivity' in feminism isn't always a good thing

From Where I Stand — From eating cereal to wearing expensive shoes, advertisers will paint anything as 'feminist' if it'll help them make cold hard cash. But it's not just brands trying to dilute feminism today. Inclusivity isn't always a good thing, argues Abi Wilkinson.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

From Where I Stand — When Scotland rejected independence in 2014, it was a national fear of instability that allowed unionism to prevail. Then Brexit happened, and another referendum on Scotland's future is on the cards. But is radically progressive Scottish nationalism a paradox? A Schrödinger's cat that means all things to all people?

Written by: James Butler

Why we're building a movement to oppose Trump in Britain

Why we're building a movement to oppose Trump in Britain

Owen Jones explains — As the British government steamrolls ahead with plans to welcome Bigot-in-Chief Trump to Britain with open arms on a state visit, a grass-roots movement to oppose his administration in the UK is growing. Owen Jones explains why.

Written by: Owen Jones

In defence of throwing eggs at racist politicians

In defence of throwing eggs at racist politicians

From Where I Stand — Throwing eggs at Nigel Farage might not be the pinnacle of political activism, but inaction and excuses are a whole lot more dangerous.

Written by: Carl Anka

There is no secret motive: Trump is as shambolic and as racist as he seems

There is no secret motive: Trump is as shambolic and as racist as he seems

From Where I Stand — Ignore the conspiracy theorists and "experts" claiming Trump's Muslim ban and other far-right executive orders are a headfake and a plot to distract us, argues James Butler. His toxic administration is as shambolic and as racist as it seems.

Written by: James Butler

Gay people are still being locked up in Britain. What use is this pardon to them?

Gay people are still being locked up in Britain. What use is this pardon to them?

From Where I Stand — Before you celebrate this government for pardoning dead white gay men of now legal same-sex activity, remember tonight they'll be deporting a gay Nigerian man to a country where it's illegal and dangerous to be gay. And this happens all the time.

Written by: Shon Faye

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

From Where I Stand — In her long-awaited Brexit speech, many hoped Theresa May would lay out a roadmap for Britain finding its new place in the world. But James Butler argues the only direction we're heading in is towards Theresa-land: a shit, sunless, drizzling Cayman Islands, with Piers Morgan on daytime TV.

Written by: James Butler

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