
The anti-boycott bill is an attack on our democracy

The anti-boycott bill is an attack on our democracy

Free Palestine — Legislation set to be announced in the Queen’s speech today will make it more difficult to hold Israel accountable for its human rights abuses.

Written by: Tamara Stanton

It’s time we prosecuted rogue landlords

It’s time we prosecuted rogue landlords

People over property — The failure to hold unscrupulous landlords to account is denying tenants their basic dignity, writes Bella Saltiel.

Written by: Bella Saltiel

Has lockdown created more empathy for prisoners?

Has lockdown created more empathy for prisoners?

Life inside — Lockdown could have created a greater understanding of the conditions prisoners face. So why are punitive policies even more popular?

Written by: Andy West

Nadia Whittome: the Tories’ Rwanda plan is pure evil

Nadia Whittome: the Tories’ Rwanda plan is pure evil

No to offshoring — The government’s Rwanda deal is just the latest example of the Tories’ contempt for asylum seekers and must be resisted, writes Nadia Whittome MP.

Written by: Nadia Whittome

UK unemployment is falling, but poverty isn’t

UK unemployment is falling, but poverty isn’t

The insecure economy — Amid the rising cost of living, the government is hiding behind falling unemployment figures while workers in almost every industry continue to suffer, writes Ella Glover.

Written by: Ella Glover

The Homes for Ukraine scheme won’t help the most vulnerable

The Homes for Ukraine scheme won’t help the most vulnerable

Rethinking resettlement — With its new resettlement scheme, the government is outsourcing the responsibility for a humanitarian crisis and failing to account for the complex needs of people fleeing war.

Written by: Tiara Ataii

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

The government's arms fair is endangering fleeing Ukrainians

Borders kill — The Home Office claims to want to support people displaced by war, but is at the same time hosting a shadowy arms fair to help arms companies sell their deadly wares to stop people crossing borders.

Written by: Mary Atkinson

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

The devastating plight of Ukranians fleeing war

Search for Sanctuary — With two million displaced by the war, people scrambling to find safety are being met with callous immigration systems and racism at the border.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Returning to football after my gender transition

Returning to football after my gender transition

Man on — For many trans people, participating in sport can be fraught. Writer Arthur Webber recounts his return to football after transitioning and encouraging others to do the same.

Written by: Arthur Webber

‘Labour & the Tories’ drug stance smacks of desperation’

‘Labour & the Tories’ drug stance smacks of desperation’

Carla Denyer on legalisation — It’s time to replace prohibition with a legalised, regulated system of drug control, writes the Green Party co-leader.

Written by: Carla Denyer

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