
On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

On the kindness of people, and the violence of the state

Reflections from the Stansted 15 — Stansted 15 member Mel Evans looks back on the trials and tribulations of the last few months, and explains why the fight is nowhere near won.

Written by: Mel Evans

The Great British Breakup: the Thatcher years

The Great British Breakup: the Thatcher years

Welcome to Brexitland — As Theresa May’s government ploughs on delivering a Brexit that nobody wants, our brave historian Ben Smoke dives into 40 years of mess to find out how we got here.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Capitalism is co-opting, & ruining, the feminist movement

Capitalism is co-opting, & ruining, the feminist movement

We deserve better — This week, Gillette shared a mawkish film paying lip service to the #MeToo movement. But, like many clumsy multinationals before them, they got it all wrong.

Written by: Dawn Foster

The Channel crossings: your guide to the so-called ‘crisis’

The Channel crossings: your guide to the so-called ‘crisis’

All you need to know — Since Christmas Day, 100 people have crossed the English Channel seeking refuge and asylum in what is being called a ‘major’ national crisis. Writer Ben Smoke talks us through the mess.

Written by: Ben Smoke

My life as a transgender woman in Russia

My life as a transgender woman in Russia

‘I won’t be bullied into hiding’ — Russia is widely regarded as one of the most homophobic nations in the Western world. Following the enactment of a law against ‘gay propaganda’ in 2013, hate crimes against members of the LGBTQ community have soared, especially murder and serious violence. Transgender people are arguably even more of a target, given Russia’s culture of rigidly enforcing gender roles. 27-year-old Eva Borisov explains what it’s like being transgender in such an intensely hostile environment.

Written by: Eva Borisov, as told to Nick Chester

Welcome to Britain, a country that has finally lost its mind

Welcome to Britain, a country that has finally lost its mind

Please help — Two years of constant political arguments and very little progress over Brexit has come to a head. Please, Theresa – put us all out of our misery.

Written by: Dawn Foster

PETA’s propaganda is as effective as it is mortifying

PETA’s propaganda is as effective as it is mortifying

‘Two birds, one scone’ — The animal rights organisation came under fire this week for putting speciesism on par with racism and homophobia. Considering their history of publicity stunts, the headline-grabbing should come as little surprise.

Written by: Jeremy Allen

Brexit unpacked: your bullshit-free guide to the current mess

Brexit unpacked: your bullshit-free guide to the current mess

What is happening? — While it’s easy to switch off, Brexit will shape British politics, and our lives, for a generation – so we owe it to ourselves not to clock out. Writer Ben Smoke talks us through the mess.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Diversity at Victoria’s Secret: does it really matter?

Diversity at Victoria’s Secret: does it really matter?

Here we go again — Earlier this week, Victoria’s Secret came under fire for dismissing the inclusion of plus-size and transgender models in their shows. Personal trainer and writer Ban Hass probes why so many people – both in the fitness world and out – are still so oblivious to the power of their own privilege.

Written by: Ban Hass

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

It is time for Tony Blair to stop talking and go away

Read the room Tony — The former Prime Minister is a haunted relic who continues to plea for attention and relevance. It’s not helping anyone.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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