
What’s so Great about Britain?

What’s so Great about Britain?

Debunking nationalist myths — As the tide of nationalism rises once more, writer Ruby Lott-Lavigna delves into right-wing ideology to dispel the myths and lies that prop it up.

Written by: Ruby Lott-Lavigna

In Europe, far-right extremism has become the new normal

In Europe, far-right extremism has become the new normal

The acceptable face of fascism — Writer Hasan Patel explores how the increase in far-right attacks has been fuelled and validated by an unfiltered online world and an unmoderated media.

Written by: Hasan Patel

Let’s be real: vegan sausage rolls are not going to save us

Let’s be real: vegan sausage rolls are not going to save us

The Fightback: Climate — Individual solutions will not solve this mess as long as energy companies still ravage the environment.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Angry white men have declared war on the planet (again)

Angry white men have declared war on the planet (again)

The Fightback: Climate — The culture war is no longer a trivial sideshow to the fight against material inequality, writes Ash Sarkar. If we lose, we lose on the climate too.

Written by: Ash Sarkar

Jess Phillips: woman of the people, or just out for herself?

Jess Phillips: woman of the people, or just out for herself?

A quest for truth — The Labour leadership candidate markets herself as a bold and refreshing outsider, when in fact she embodies the status quo.

Written by: Dawn Foster

So who really is Keir Starmer?

So who really is Keir Starmer?

The battle to define the man — As the Labour leadership contest enters its next stage, writer Aaron Bastani delves deep into the current front runner, asking who or what it is he truly represents.

Written by: Aaron Bastani

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

Now there’s a radical idea — The PLP’s apparent decision to throw their weight behind a London-based male candidate feels dispiriting, if not surprising. Haven’t we been here before?

Written by: Dawn Foster

Extinction Rebellion: why we occupied a Shell gas rig

Extinction Rebellion: why we occupied a Shell gas rig

Drilling is killing — This week three Scottish activists climbed aboard a rig in Dundee harbour to highlight the country’s continued dependence on planet-killing fossil fuels. Here, they explain the critical reasons why they did it.

Written by: Extinction Rebellion Scotland

In the UK, children of prisoners are vulnerable and neglected

In the UK, children of prisoners are vulnerable and neglected

Forgotten youth — These children are at risk, but society treats them the same way it treats their parents – as unworthy of investment, care or rehabilitation.

Written by: Georgia Brown

The great myth of the British working class

The great myth of the British working class

A flat cap fallacy — Treating the working class as homogenous, white, and uniquely motivated by very specific political ideologies is damaging, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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