
Still Dilla: Resurrecting a lost album by one of hip hop's greatest

Still Dilla: Resurrecting a lost album by one of hip hop's greatest

Keeping a legacy alive... — The creative director of J Dilla’s Estate on the Detroit’s producer last unreleased record, maintaining his legacy and the version of Donuts you’ve never heard.

Written by: Ricardo Miguel Vieira

Introducing Lady Vendredi: the vodou priestess of rhythm

Introducing Lady Vendredi: the vodou priestess of rhythm

Huck exclusive ‘Papa Legba’ video premiere — Born in East London gay dive clubs, The Passion of Lady Vendredi is blowing up as a new EP and immersive stage show.

Written by: Alex King

This Patti Smith fan turned her music collection into an artistic haven
This Is Diy

This Patti Smith fan turned her music collection into an artistic haven

Living off the vinyl frontier — After spending years living off borrowed cash, Katayoon Yousef started Horses Records so that she could have a home for life, building a following of loyal customers in the process.

Written by: Josh Gabert-Doyon

The photographer documenting exclusive UK music subcultures since the 90s

The photographer documenting exclusive UK music subcultures since the 90s

Part of a scene — A natural affinity for music and clobber gave northern soul boy Ewen Spencer access to the most exclusive of British subcultures.

Written by: Ewen Spencer

How Banquet Records turned a failing music shop into the beating heart of a local scene

How Banquet Records turned a failing music shop into the beating heart of a local scene

A triumphant record store-y — Thanks to people like Banquet Records co-founders Jon Tolley and Mike Smith, record shops still exist in the age of music streaming.

Written by: Megan White

Mostly Translucent: An interview with Telefon Tel Aviv

Mostly Translucent: An interview with Telefon Tel Aviv

Fahrenheit Long Ago — Following the death of his creative partner in 2009, Joshua Eustis let IDM pioneers Telefon Tel Aviv drift into hiatus. Now, having decided to resurrect the project in the name of catharsis, Eustis is ready to reappraise the journey so far. He talks to Steven T. Hanley about influencing Drake, measuring up to Autechre and basking in the golden era of electronica.

Written by: Steven T Hanley

Theft or inspiration: How musicians fight accusations of plagarism

Theft or inspiration: How musicians fight accusations of plagarism

The Song Remains… Similar? — From the six-second rule to the 'common source' defence, musicians have found all sorts of ways to fight off accusations of thievery. Ahead of Led Zeppelin's trial for copyright impingement next month, this is a song-by-song illustration of the loopholes that can make or break artists.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Huck's Rwanda Rising series: an artistic renaissance in the heart of Africa

Huck's Rwanda Rising series: an artistic renaissance in the heart of Africa

Rwanda Rising — Two decades after genocide, Rwanda has risen from the ashes to become a thriving arts and tech hub. This article kicks off a series, Rwanda Rising, unpicking the complex stories behind Rwanda’s creative resurgence and its seeming slide into dictatorship.

Written by: Alex King

British rapper Akala on the virtues and limits of practicing what you preach

British rapper Akala on the virtues and limits of practicing what you preach

Spittin' conscious lines — From independent records to speaking truth to power, British rapper Akala has strived to practice what he preaches. But, by his own admission, sometimes even he gets it wrong.

Written by: Oliver Pelling

How the pulse of house music keeps South Africa connected

How the pulse of house music keeps South Africa connected

Township Two-step — Deep-house DJs are superstars in South Africa, where more house music is consumed than in any other country. But limited internet means that regional scenes and showcase parties remain crucial.

Written by: Mohato Lekena

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