The way she looks — A new exhibition explores the role of women as both subject and photographer, spanning the 19th century to the present day.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Behind the glamour — In the exhibition Los Angeles Cibachromes, photographer John Humble peels back the city’s glitzy facade.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Feet first — A new photography exhibition, co-curated by the cult photographer, explores how footwear became the ultimate status symbol of the modern era.
Written by: Miss Rosen
No man’s land — The photographer captured life on the Bowery, when manufacturing was still done in Manhattan industrial lofts: ‘the street was free, it was a different world.’
Written by: Miss Rosen
Style meets tradition — After honing his craft in New York, British photographer Tony Ray-Jones returned home to capture the changing face of the UK.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Portraits of courage — In a new book, KK Ottesen profiles 40 US activists – from Billie Jean King and Bernie Sanders, to Angela Davis and Edward Snowden – who have dedicated their lives to the fight for human rights.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Love revolution — A new exhibition celebrates the art, lives and love affair of the revolutionary artist couple.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Bad times — Violence, fires and price gouging: two decades on, photographer Mike Schreiber unearths his archive from the festival, revealing a portrait of Gen X at its worst.
Written by: Miss Rosen
Breaking backstage — Throughout the decade, photographer Michael Jang made fake press passes to get access to gigs, conventions and Hollywood events.
Written by: Miss Rosen
On our backs — The artist discusses his appearance in new exhibition On Our Backs, which celebrates the revolutionary work of LGBTQ sex workers, activists and allies.
Written by: Miss Rosen