Michael Segalov

Is Craig David still a Tory? We try to find out

Is Craig David still a Tory? We try to find out

A bizarre interview — Back in 2010 Craig David made a DIY video and sang about supporting David Cameron. We sit down with the legendary pop star, ahead of the release of his new album, to ask him why.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Kevin Spacey’s ‘apology’ for allegedly propositioning a teenager is insulting

Kevin Spacey’s ‘apology’ for allegedly propositioning a teenager is insulting

From Where I Stand — The fact Kevin Spacey is gay and that he might have been drunk while allegedly propositioning a 14-year-old for sex is entirely immaterial. Neither should have had a place in his apology, writes Michael Segalov.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Jared O'Mara: 'I feel deeply ashamed of the man I was'

Jared O'Mara: 'I feel deeply ashamed of the man I was'

A changed man? — Just hours after deeply homophobic and sexist comments made online fifteen years ago by Labour MP Jared O'Mara surfaced in the national press, Huck News Editor Michael Segalov meets him in Parliament.

Written by: Michael Segalov

How Instagram stories became a lifeline for my mental health

How Instagram stories became a lifeline for my mental health

Embracing every emotion — Constantly updating statuses and sharing pictures is having an impact on our generation, but I found comfort in creating Instagram stories while embracing the beauty of their transience.

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

From Where I Stand — Theresa May won't stop banging on about 'strong and stable leadership' in this general election, but her vision of strength and stability is the last thing the United Kingdom needs. We're no longer a country of empire, it's time we pick a leader who reflects that.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Searching for answers in Trumpland USA

Searching for answers in Trumpland USA

Disunited States: Into a red sea — When news broke that Donald Trump would really be taking up office in the White House, we sat shocked, angry and bemused at what to do. Now Huck’s News Editor Michael Segalov is heading Stateside to Georgia to hear stories from voices on the ground. In his first dispatch from the US, he explains where we’re going, who we'll be talking to, and how we'll be trying to make sense of America's future.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Labelling NUS President Malia Bouattia a racist stinks of double standards

Labelling NUS President Malia Bouattia a racist stinks of double standards

From Where I Stand — This weekend the Home Affairs Select Committee published its long awaited report into anti-Semitism. While some findings must be welcomed, the labelling of National Union of Students President Malia Bouattia as an outright racist highlights our double standards and Islamophobia.

Written by: Michael Segalov

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

From Where I Stand — Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has argued today that young Labour members are being strong armed into supporting Jeremy Corbyn and his policies by older party members. As a young person who joined Labour to support left-wing policies, it's a patronising assessment that's far from correct.

Written by: Michael Segalov

I asked three nine-year-olds and a dog about UK politics

I asked three nine-year-olds and a dog about UK politics

Journalism in 2016 — UK politics is seriously messy right now, as it is across the Atlantic, and pundits and commentators are struggling to keep up. But a new trend has swept through the sitting-rooms of North East London: tweeting nonsense about what your children make of politics instead. Disingenuous rhetoric, or irrelevant thoughts of toddlers? We went to find out.

Written by: Michael Segalov

We watched angry activists release thousands of bugs in a busy London restaurant

We watched angry activists release thousands of bugs in a busy London restaurant

#BoycottByron — Earlier this week burger restaurant chain Byron hit the headlines for allegedly lying to their staff and calling fake meetings so immigration officials could swoop and make arrests. It's an incident that's been met with outrage, and last night we were invited to join a group of activists as they took matters into their own hands.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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