

Inside California’s all-women cannabis retreats

Ganja goddess getaways — Offering classes in yoga, painting and belly-dancing, the Ganja Goddess Getaway is a weekend haven for all female-identifying cannabis enthusiasts. We talk to Deidra, the company founder, to find out more.

Written by: Dominique Sisley


Behind the scenes at America’s new legal cannabis farms

The pot farmer’s daughter — As the daughter of a pot farmer, Kristen Angelo grew up around the plant. Now, she’s using photography to eradicate the stigma, and encourage what she believes to be a major grassroots social and political movement.

Written by: Ellie Howard


Could legalising cannabis help Greece escape economic crisis?

Quite possibly... — As Greece embraces medical marijuana, activists at the Legalise Cannabis Protestival are pushing for full legalisation to give the austerity-ravaged country a huge economic boost.

Written by: Alex King


Research finds majority of UK MPs now support medical marijuana use

Is legalisation in sight? — A poll conducted by innovative drugs pressure group VolteFace finds overwhelming cross-party support for the legalisation of medical marijuana in the UK House of Commons.

Written by: Alex King


Huck’s top ten alternative stoner movies

Smoke screen — On 4/20, we’ve got the choicest cuts of kush cinema to help you through the haziest day of the year.

Written by: Alex King


Activists and growers are fighting Canada’s corporate cannabis takeover

Corporate Growth — Canada’s friendly neighbourhood marijuana grow-ops are about to get a corporate takeover. Huck meets the growers, investors, lawyers and activists who are dealing with a new top-down system where bottom lines, not blazing, rules supreme.

Written by: Rob Boffard


Is pro surfing at risk of a doping scandal?

No sport is immune — As allegations of state-sponsored doping rock athletics, it’s time to ask if pro surfing is doing enough to prevent the use of performance enhancing drugs?

Written by: Alex King

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