
Spike Jonze

Spike Jonze

Madcap Shorts — To celebrate the release of Spike's futuristic masterpiece, we dig out four of his madcap shorts from the archives.



Recommended Music — Favourite vids from the musical sphere of nu-beatnik instrumentalist Khushi.

Written by: Amrita Riat

HUCK 42 – The Improv Issue

HUCK 42 – The Improv Issue

Out Jan 10! — Inspired by former Sonic Youth frontwoman Kim Gordon and her new improv band with Bill Nace, Body/Head, HUCK 42 is dedicated to all things spontaneous and free-flowing.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Rad Bodies and Heads

Rad Bodies and Heads

Body/Head's Improv Heroes — A selection of inspiring writers, musicians, artists and filmmakers curated by Kim Gordon and Bill Nace.

Written by: HUCK HQ

Half Moon Run

Half Moon Run

Montreal & More — Half Moon Run share their hobbies and haunts, at home and on the road.

Written by: HUCK HQ

HUCK 41 - The Documentary Photo Special I

HUCK 41 - The Documentary Photo Special I

Out Nov 7! — HUCK 41 delves into the doc photo world to surprise your eyes with the most arresting images in the game.

Written by: HUCK HQ

HUCK 40 Playlist

HUCK 40 Playlist

The Cat Power Issue — The HUCK 40 Playlist is a selection of artists and songs featured in The Cat Power Issue.

Written by: HUCK HQ

HUCK #040 – The Cat Power Issue

HUCK #040 – The Cat Power Issue

Out Now! — Chan Marshall, enigmatic frontwoman of the cultish Cat Power, gives us the lowdown on some of the things she thinks are rad.

Written by: HUCK HQ

HUCK #039 – The Sofia Coppola Issue

HUCK #039 – The Sofia Coppola Issue

Out Now — Hollywood auteur and cultural icon Sofia Coppola shares her thoughts and inspirations ahead of the UK release of her new film The Bling Ring.

Written by: HUCK HQ

HUCK#038 Sources

HUCK#038 Sources

Inspirations & Stuff — A collection of things we dig and sources of inspiration that came our way while making HUCK#038 The Dave Eggers Issue.

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Issue 81: The more than a game issue

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