
Rising MC Loyle Carner is bringing sensitive soul to London’s hip hop scene

Rising MC Loyle Carner is bringing sensitive soul to London’s hip hop scene

Fresh, honest beats — Unapologetically open about his personal life, the South London rapper talks to us about his experience with ADHD, a future cooking project with teens, and an adopted younger sister on the way.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Where is Ana Mendieta? Protestors storm opening night at the Tate

Where is Ana Mendieta? Protestors storm opening night at the Tate

Enough is enough — Protestors stormed the opening of a new wing at London's Tate Modern gallery this weekend, to protest the exclusion of artist Ana Mendieta's work, and to highlight the way women are treated in the industry.

Written by: Taylor McGraa

Dead Women Can't Vote: Why we chained ourselves to Parliament

Dead Women Can't Vote: Why we chained ourselves to Parliament

The fight isn't over — Direct action group Sisters Uncut donned suffragette outfits and chained themselves to the Houses of Parliament last night, as an expensive piece of art was unveiled inside to commemorate the struggle for women's suffrage. Why? Because dead women can't vote.

Written by: Sisters Uncut

London's DIY drag night that's taking the world by storm

London's DIY drag night that's taking the world by storm

The woman behind the party — After eight years of outrage and counting, Sink The Pink's infamous parties are legendary around the globe. We spoke to Amy Redmond, Sink The Pink co-founder, about their DIY beginnings and queering the London scene.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Protests and picket lines to save a London community cinema

Protests and picket lines to save a London community cinema

Fighting for its future — Hundreds join Dalston’s Rio Cinema picket line against mass redundancies, to “save the soul of the local community cinema”.

Written by: Emily Gosling

The young co-operative campaigners fighting for a fairer economy

The young co-operative campaigners fighting for a fairer economy

Another way of working — AltGen are a pioneering social enterprise - inviting freelancers and millennials to imagine a world with security, cooperation,and jobs without bosses.

Written by: James Andrew Smith

Millennials and Motherhood: Will we ever be ready?

Millennials and Motherhood: Will we ever be ready?

A life of perpetual adolescence — When we were kids, growing up looked so simple. For most of us in our 20s life hasn't quite turned out as planned: job security, houses, long-term partners? Not quite. In some ways it's liberating, but for young women like writer Abi Wilkinson wanting children there's a dilemma - to wait for stability, or to start a family before it's too late.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

The euphoria of James Blake live

The euphoria of James Blake live

Technicolour in Anything — James Blake breathes life into his new album, at small hometown show.

Written by: Gabriela Helfet

Why we'll be serving lemonade in London this evening

Why we'll be serving lemonade in London this evening

When life gives you lemons — For black women, girls and femmes, oppression and discrimination are all around. Tonight in London, they'll be serving up and sharing lemonade. Imani Robinson and Natalie Jeffers reckon they know what to do when life gives you lemons.

Written by: Imani Robinson and Natalie Jeffers

Students in London are struggling, but our rent strike is about a whole lot more

Students in London are struggling, but our rent strike is about a whole lot more

From where I stand — Pissed off London students like me are refusing to pay their rent in protest, but our rent strike isn't just about us; it is about our responsibility to the communities we live in too.

Written by: Liam Renouf

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