
No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

From Where I Stand — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn today attempted to attack the government's Brexit plans, but it looks as if he missed, hitting EU migrants instead. There's no space for vague language when the security and safety of so many people living in Britain hangs in the balance, argues Wail Qasim.

Written by: Wail Qasim

Labelling NUS President Malia Bouattia a racist stinks of double standards

Labelling NUS President Malia Bouattia a racist stinks of double standards

From Where I Stand — This weekend the Home Affairs Select Committee published its long awaited report into anti-Semitism. While some findings must be welcomed, the labelling of National Union of Students President Malia Bouattia as an outright racist highlights our double standards and Islamophobia.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Labour asked the Government 170 questions about Brexit: What are yours?

Labour asked the Government 170 questions about Brexit: What are yours?

The Labour party has published a list of questions for the Government to answer about Brexit, 170 to be precise. But what do we really want to know about our impending departure from Europe?

Written by: Locke Fitzpatrick

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

From Where I Stand — As expected, Jeremy Corbyn has once again swept to victory in the Labour leadership race. Despite the months of wasted time and resources, Corbyn, and the Labour Party must stop looking inwards if they've a chance of implementing a new progressive platform, James Butler here suggests what must happen next.

Written by: James Butler

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

From Where I Stand — 'Doing politics differently’ was a key promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s remarkable victory in the heady summer of 2015. But since then he has focused on his economic message, not a vision for political change. Those of us set to vote for him again as Labour leader are entitled to demand a new course - not least because Labour faces electoral annihilation unless it considers entering pacts with other progressive parties.

Written by: Luke Cooper

Anti-Semitism is not anti-Zionism and it's time we all accept it

Anti-Semitism is not anti-Zionism and it's time we all accept it

From where I stand — It’s time we talked about anti-Semitism - and not just on the British left. When anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are branded together, the consequences are dangerous.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Could Jeremy Corbyn become the world’s first crowdsourced premier?

Could Jeremy Corbyn become the world’s first crowdsourced premier?

Public schoolboy politics on the way out — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will carry out his first Prime Minister's Questions with suggestions crowdsourced from supporters. Has a new way of doing politics begun?

Written by: Michael Fordham

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