
Why young Londoners are taking on the government

Why young Londoners are taking on the government

#DontZapTheZip — Earlier this year, it was announced that free London travel for under-18s was set to be scrapped – but it won’t be going without a fight.

Written by: Moya Lothian-Mclean

Firing RLB had nothing to do with tackling antisemitism

Firing RLB had nothing to do with tackling antisemitism

The purge of the left — Keir Starmer’s decision to fire his Shadow Education Secretary highlights the moral pitfalls of approaching anti-racism as a public relations exercise.

Written by: Aron Keller

David Lammy: ‘You can’t buy your way out of Covid-19’

David Lammy: ‘You can’t buy your way out of Covid-19’

On division and democracy — As the country went into lockdown, we jumped on the phone with the new Shadow Justice Secretary to talk about his book, the coronavirus crisis, and the rising threat of the far-right.

Written by: Ben Smoke

Jess Phillips: woman of the people, or just out for herself?

Jess Phillips: woman of the people, or just out for herself?

A quest for truth — The Labour leadership candidate markets herself as a bold and refreshing outsider, when in fact she embodies the status quo.

Written by: Dawn Foster

How to survive Boris, from the people that survived Thatcher

How to survive Boris, from the people that survived Thatcher

‘Don’t stop fighting’ — Now the dust has settled on last month’s election result, writer Emily Reynolds talks to activists from the ’80s to find out the lessons we can learn.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

So who really is Keir Starmer?

So who really is Keir Starmer?

The battle to define the man — As the Labour leadership contest enters its next stage, writer Aaron Bastani delves deep into the current front runner, asking who or what it is he truly represents.

Written by: Aaron Bastani

Sorry but Charlotte Nichols won’t apologise to Nazis

Sorry but Charlotte Nichols won’t apologise to Nazis

‘I felt physically sick’ — The newly-elected Labour MP has been accused of homophobia and inciting anti-fascist violence. Here, she discusses her tumultuous first month in Parliament.

Written by: Ben Smoke

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

If Labour wants real change, it should elect a woman leader

Now there’s a radical idea — The PLP’s apparent decision to throw their weight behind a London-based male candidate feels dispiriting, if not surprising. Haven’t we been here before?

Written by: Dawn Foster

Clive Lewis: ‘It’s time to tell the truth’

Clive Lewis: ‘It’s time to tell the truth’

On Labour, loss and scandal — Just a week after Labour’s historic election defeat, the competition to replace Jeremy Corbyn is already in full swing. Tonight, as he announces his intention to run, we catch up with Clive Lewis MP to talk through scandal, loss, and his plans for the future.

Written by: Ben Smoke

The great myth of the British working class

The great myth of the British working class

A flat cap fallacy — Treating the working class as homogenous, white, and uniquely motivated by very specific political ideologies is damaging, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

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