Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has a message for those saying Labour can't win this election

Jeremy Corbyn has a message for those saying Labour can't win this election

'I don't play by the rules' — At 10:30am this morning in a hall in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament, Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party launched their 2017 general election campaign. The message? Jeremy doesn't play by the rules.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Ken Loach’s advice for young filmmakers

Ken Loach’s advice for young filmmakers

A voice of resistance — Ken Loach has been a singular force in British filmmaking for over 50 years: exposing injustice, standing up for the marginalised and fighting the powers that be. Now he's made his angriest film yet.

Written by: Cian Traynor

No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

From Where I Stand — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn today attempted to attack the government's Brexit plans, but it looks as if he missed, hitting EU migrants instead. There's no space for vague language when the security and safety of so many people living in Britain hangs in the balance, argues Wail Qasim.

Written by: Wail Qasim

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

Corbyn's election is a victory, but now Labour needs a bold strategy to win

From Where I Stand — As expected, Jeremy Corbyn has once again swept to victory in the Labour leadership race. Despite the months of wasted time and resources, Corbyn, and the Labour Party must stop looking inwards if they've a chance of implementing a new progressive platform, James Butler here suggests what must happen next.

Written by: James Butler

It’s time to stop using mental illness as a political insult

It’s time to stop using mental illness as a political insult

From Where I Stand — For those of us living with mental illness, stigma and prejudice can all too often permeate every part of our everyday lives. When Owen Smith labelled his Labour leadership rival a “lunatic” last night, he showed a complete disregard for some of society’s most vulnerable people.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

British trains are a disgrace, regardless of why Jeremy Corbyn sat on the floor

British trains are a disgrace, regardless of why Jeremy Corbyn sat on the floor

From Where I Stand — The summer might be slow for news, but it's still no excuse for #Traingate. Yesterday the headlines were filled with stories about why Jeremy Corbyn had sat on the floor of a Virgin train. Big business said it was a choice, Corbyn and his fellow passengers said the carriage was full. The real question is why are British trains so awful?

Written by: Jude Wanga

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

From Where I Stand — Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has argued today that young Labour members are being strong armed into supporting Jeremy Corbyn and his policies by older party members. As a young person who joined Labour to support left-wing policies, it's a patronising assessment that's far from correct.

Written by: Michael Segalov

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

From Where I Stand — 'Doing politics differently’ was a key promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s remarkable victory in the heady summer of 2015. But since then he has focused on his economic message, not a vision for political change. Those of us set to vote for him again as Labour leader are entitled to demand a new course - not least because Labour faces electoral annihilation unless it considers entering pacts with other progressive parties.

Written by: Luke Cooper

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

Stopping new Labour members from voting for Jeremy Corbyn is an insult to democracy

From where I stand — This summer, the UK Labour Party will see another leadership election, but new members of the party are having their right to vote taken away unless they fork out a large sum of cash, and it's a disgrace.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Saviour or Satan: Why so many people are joining the UK Labour Party right now

Saviour or Satan: Why so many people are joining the UK Labour Party right now

Should Jez stay or should he go? — Just minuted after the results from the EU referendum been announced, a coup was brewing inside the UK Labour Party. The majority of Labour MPs have had enough of Jeremy Corbyn, the newly-elected left-wing leader who still commands the support of vast swathes of the party nationwide. With a leadership contest on the very near horizon, some 100,000 people had joined Labour since the vote, desperate to have their say.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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