Human Rights

The zine taking you inside Greece’s refugee kingdom

The zine taking you inside Greece’s refugee kingdom

This is what we have to say — Forgotten in an isolated Greek camp, young refugees have produced the Ritsona Kingdom Journal to remind the world they exist.

Written by: Alex King

Is virtual reality the new frontier for human rights filmmakers?

Is virtual reality the new frontier for human rights filmmakers?

Empathy through technology — Human rights and activist filmmakers talk about how VR can be a powerful tool to force underreported conflicts or forgotten issues into the public consciousness.

Written by: Alex King

The journalists risking arrest every time they speak out

The journalists risking arrest every time they speak out

Dangerous truths — Turkey’s purge of ‘dissent’ has thrown the country into uncertainty, posing a dilemma for reporters: support the government or risk imprisonment. But for a handful of young journalists, the facts are worth fighting for.

Written by: Pesha Magid

Life inside the torture clinics that 'cure' homosexuality

Life inside the torture clinics that 'cure' homosexuality

Until You Change — Photographer Paola Paredes went undercover to document an alarming trend: the Ecuadorian rehab facilities that 'treat' gay people by brutal force. Drawing from the accounts of former patients, she pieced together why some never make it back.

Written by: Cian Traynor

The jailed photographer who captured the rise and fall of the Egyptian revolution

The jailed photographer who captured the rise and fall of the Egyptian revolution

Free Shawkan — Egyptian photographer Shawkan remains behind bars, three years after covering an anti-government demonstration in Cairo. Amnesty’s exhibition of his exceptional work is applying pressure for his immediate release.

Written by: Alex King

Did British Police help Saudi Arabia crush its Arab Spring uprising?

Did British Police help Saudi Arabia crush its Arab Spring uprising?

UK complicit in Saudi protestor executions — A new report from Reprieve suggests British College of Policing training helped Saudi Arabia violently repress pro-democracy protests in 2012.

Written by: Robbie Wojciechowski

Final prisoner serving time over Tiananmen Square protests to be released

Final prisoner serving time over Tiananmen Square protests to be released

27 years behind bars — Miao Deshun, the last person still serving a sentence for protesting during the brutal massacre of Tiananmen Square in 1989, is set to be released in October 2016, after serving nearly thirty years.

Written by: Huck

Has criminalisation killed squatting in the UK?

Has criminalisation killed squatting in the UK?

They tried to kill it, but squatting's not dead — Despite the British government criminalising residential squatting in 2012, the squat community is still active and squatting remains a defiant protest against inadequate housing and inequality.

Written by: Vyvian Raoul

Huck's Rwanda Rising series: an artistic renaissance in the heart of Africa

Huck's Rwanda Rising series: an artistic renaissance in the heart of Africa

Rwanda Rising — Two decades after genocide, Rwanda has risen from the ashes to become a thriving arts and tech hub. This article kicks off a series, Rwanda Rising, unpicking the complex stories behind Rwanda’s creative resurgence and its seeming slide into dictatorship.

Written by: Alex King

Boots on the Ground: Volunteers of the Refugee Crisis

Boots on the Ground: Volunteers of the Refugee Crisis

Helping refugees at Europe's frontier — Volunteers have stepped in to fill gaps where the international community has failed to avert a humanitarian disaster.

Written by: HUCK HQ

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