
The return of the fox hunt and our demented aristocracy’s obsession with death

The return of the fox hunt and our demented aristocracy’s obsession with death

From Where I Stand — Of course Theresa May has pledged her allegiance to fox hunting, the ruling-class are reasserting their power in the most deranged, blood-thirsty way they know how.

Written by: Sam Kriss

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Farron and Michael Gove just got pranked

*Withheld number* — General Elections are pretty tedious, especially when the Conservative Party looks set for a landslide. Heydon Prowse decided to prank call some politicians because, well, why not?

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

If Theresa May's leadership is 'strong and stable' then we don't need it

From Where I Stand — Theresa May won't stop banging on about 'strong and stable leadership' in this general election, but her vision of strength and stability is the last thing the United Kingdom needs. We're no longer a country of empire, it's time we pick a leader who reflects that.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Does Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron really hate gays?

Does Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron really hate gays?

We went to ask him — Time and time again Tim Farron has been asked is he believes the act of gay sex is a sin, but he keeps on refusing to commit to an answer. We headed down to his big campaign speech to try and find out.

Written by: Michael Segalov

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

From Where I Stand — Jeremy Corbyn critics in Westminster have long said he is unelectable. But now, as a general election gets underway, it's finally clear that its his politics that some Labour MPs want to fight against. It's a kamikaze mission that cannot end well.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Jeremy Corbyn has a message for those saying Labour can't win this election

Jeremy Corbyn has a message for those saying Labour can't win this election

'I don't play by the rules' — At 10:30am this morning in a hall in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament, Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party launched their 2017 general election campaign. The message? Jeremy doesn't play by the rules.

Written by: Michael Segalov

What the aftermath of a general election being called looks like

What the aftermath of a general election being called looks like

Here we go.... — At 11am this morning Theresa May called a general election for 8 June 2017. For politicians, pundits and the general public the shitshow has begun.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Theresa May has just called a UK general election

Theresa May has just called a UK general election

We're going to the polls — In an unexpected statement outside Downing Street, the Prime Minister Theresa May has announced a snap general election for 8 June 2017.

Written by: Michael Segalov

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