From Where I Stand

There is no secret motive: Trump is as shambolic and as racist as he seems

There is no secret motive: Trump is as shambolic and as racist as he seems

From Where I Stand — Ignore the conspiracy theorists and "experts" claiming Trump's Muslim ban and other far-right executive orders are a headfake and a plot to distract us, argues James Butler. His toxic administration is as shambolic and as racist as it seems.

Written by: James Butler

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

Welcome to Theresa-land: Brexit Britain getting pissed on from a height

From Where I Stand — In her long-awaited Brexit speech, many hoped Theresa May would lay out a roadmap for Britain finding its new place in the world. But James Butler argues the only direction we're heading in is towards Theresa-land: a shit, sunless, drizzling Cayman Islands, with Piers Morgan on daytime TV.

Written by: James Butler

No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

No Jeremy Corbyn, Labour must not become UKIP-lite

From Where I Stand — Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn today attempted to attack the government's Brexit plans, but it looks as if he missed, hitting EU migrants instead. There's no space for vague language when the security and safety of so many people living in Britain hangs in the balance, argues Wail Qasim.

Written by: Wail Qasim

People are buying Mein Kampf: Should we be panicking?

People are buying Mein Kampf: Should we be panicking?

From Where I Stand — Hitler's hate-filled book Mein Kampf has sold far more copies in Germany since republication than expected. Forget about the sales figures says James Butler, a quick flick through the pages highlights alarming parallels with the rise of the far-right today.

Written by: James Butler

The non-Zionist pro-Palestinian Israeli who wants to lead Jewish students in Britain

The non-Zionist pro-Palestinian Israeli who wants to lead Jewish students in Britain

From Where I Stand — The Union of Jewish Students is supposed to represent all Jewish students in the United Kingdom, but right now some feel that it's failing. Eran Cohen is a pro-Palestinian, non-Zionist Jewish student, and he wants to be elected as the organisation's next President. Here's why.

Written by: Eran Cohen

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

Why the High Court's ruling on Brexit was not an establishment stitch up

From Where I Stand — This week three High Court judges ruled that Parliament must be given a vote on triggering Brexit, much to the right-wing press's dismay. But Dr Jo Murkens argues this is simply what UK law requires, not a stitch up by judges with an agenda.

Written by: Dr Jo Murkens

Why Goldsmiths University rugby players are right to wear the Palestinian flag

Why Goldsmiths University rugby players are right to wear the Palestinian flag

From Where I Stand — When students at a university in London decided to place a Palestinian flag onto their rugby kits, it was an act of solidarity and defiance. Student Union President Daniel Nasr argues critics are wrong to say sport isn't political.

Written by: Daniel Nasr

Pardoning gay men is no excuse for this government's homophobia

Pardoning gay men is no excuse for this government's homophobia

From Where I Stand — The decision to pardon gay men in Britain who'd once been found guilty of homophobic and now defunct sexual offences means nothing while this government continues to let the LGBT community down.

Written by: Michael Segalov

A post-Brexit spike in homophobic hate crime? It's a part of 'taking back control'

A post-Brexit spike in homophobic hate crime? It's a part of 'taking back control'

From Where I Stand — When reports surfaced earlier this week of a spike in homophobic hate crime after Brexit, to many the link made little sense. James Butler argues that in fact taking back control was never just about the European Union, but clawing back society to a distant, oppressive past.

Written by: James Butler

Scared as Hell: This is what it feels like when anxiety hits

Scared as Hell: This is what it feels like when anxiety hits

#WorldMentalHealthDay — It's hard to describe that feeling when the world as you know it starts to slip away, but for many of us living with mental health problems it's an all too regular occurrence. For writer Josh Lee one difficult day was all that was needed for an anxiety attack to consume him.

Written by: Josh Lee

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