From Where I Stand

Just two unhinged egomaniacs stand between us and nuclear apocalypse

Just two unhinged egomaniacs stand between us and nuclear apocalypse

From Where I Stand — Reports say we might be on the brink of nuclear warfare, the restraint of two deluded narcissists - Trump and Kim Jong Un - is all we have to protect us from apocalyptic doom. Is it time to head to the bunkers? James Butler argues we should probably never have left.

Written by: James Butler

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

If Labour loses this election, MPs still criticising Corbyn must take a share of the blame

From Where I Stand — Jeremy Corbyn critics in Westminster have long said he is unelectable. But now, as a general election gets underway, it's finally clear that its his politics that some Labour MPs want to fight against. It's a kamikaze mission that cannot end well.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Why I'm giving my customers Planned Parenthood themed tattoos

Why I'm giving my customers Planned Parenthood themed tattoos

From Where I Stand — One Brooklyn-based, immigrant-run tattoo parlour is transforming bodies into spaces of protest for freedom of choice in the age of Trump, raising cold hard cash for Planned Parenthood in the process.

Written by: Burak Moreno, Fleur Noire Tattoo Parlour

That Kendall Jenner Pepsi advert isn't just daft, it's dangerous

That Kendall Jenner Pepsi advert isn't just daft, it's dangerous

From Where I Stand — Pepsi's new Kendall Jenner protest advert isn't just tone-deaf and ridiculous, it highlights the all too real way in which protest movements are co-opted, not just by corporations but by those who want to hollow out a movement's radical ideas. Just look at what happened in Brazil.

Written by: Biju Belinky

Does batshit Britain really want to declare war on Spain?

Does batshit Britain really want to declare war on Spain?

From Where I Stand — It took just four days from the triggering of Article 50 for ex-Tory leader Michael Howard - high on the fumes of toxic British self-importance - to almost declare war on Spain. It's just all so predictable from a mediocre nation desperate to return to past bloodthirsty heights. Viva Britannia!

Written by: James Butler

Defiance is no 'British value', it's a universal human trait

Defiance is no 'British value', it's a universal human trait

From Where I Stand — In the wake of the Westminster attack, politicians have been quick to claim it's a 'British value' to remain stoic, to ensure that life carries on as before. The reality is it's a human trait, not a British one, to face life's adversities. To think otherwise suggests our superiority, the dangerous idea of 'us v them'.

Written by: Ellie Mae O'Hagan

No, being kinky is not the same as being queer

No, being kinky is not the same as being queer

From Where I Stand — When the Huffington Post decided to included kinksters in their definition of queer they disrespected a community that has been involuntarily fetishised for years.

Written by: Biju Belinky

Why 'inclusivity' in feminism isn't always a good thing

Why 'inclusivity' in feminism isn't always a good thing

From Where I Stand — From eating cereal to wearing expensive shoes, advertisers will paint anything as 'feminist' if it'll help them make cold hard cash. But it's not just brands trying to dilute feminism today. Inclusivity isn't always a good thing, argues Abi Wilkinson.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

Scotland eyes independence: can nationalism deliver a progressive utopia?

From Where I Stand — When Scotland rejected independence in 2014, it was a national fear of instability that allowed unionism to prevail. Then Brexit happened, and another referendum on Scotland's future is on the cards. But is radically progressive Scottish nationalism a paradox? A Schrödinger's cat that means all things to all people?

Written by: James Butler

Stop applauding a rapist for admitting he raped someone

Stop applauding a rapist for admitting he raped someone

You’re applauding a rapist — A worrying precedent is set in the viral TED Talk and upcoming book starring a survivor of rape and the man who abused her; if a rapist shows up at your door it's their right to be forgiven. Now he's being given a platform at an International Women's Day event in London. Liv Wynter explains her issue with the idea of a 'Good' and 'Bad' survivor.

Written by: Liv Wynter

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