From Where I Stand

Ignore the Tories – today’s budget offers nothing to young people

Ignore the Tories – today’s budget offers nothing to young people

From Where I Stand — The Tories tried to bill today's budget as a win for young people, but a railcard isn't going to fix the housing crisis or take on precarious working conditions, writes Dawn Foster. It's a railcard.

Written by: Dawn Foster

It's time to admit we're all bored of Brexit

It's time to admit we're all bored of Brexit

From Where I Stand — There's no getting around it, talk of Brexit is becoming tiring. You're not alone in feeling like you're starting to not care. This process will be one of the most important events for generations though, so it's time we find a better way to engage with our departure from Europe than this never-ending news cycle, writes Michael Segalov.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Our local councils are fuelling the fire of climate change

Our local councils are fuelling the fire of climate change

From Where I Stand — Across the United Kingdom, local authorities are risking the public's cash, pensions and futures on dirty fossil fuel investments.

Written by: Mika Minio-Paluello // Sarah Shoraka

The bigoted British media is actively endangering trans people

The bigoted British media is actively endangering trans people

From Where I Stand — In todays Times Janice Turner penned a transphobic column, painting transgender people as predators and a threat to our children. Some journalists are obsessed with attacking the trans community, placing vulnerable people in danger while turning our media toxic, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

Theresa May’s cabinet is rotten to the core

From Where I Stand — Alleged sexual assaulters, arrogant bullies and secret meetings with foreign governments – the ministers charged with running the United Kingdom have a stink of putrid decay, writes Oscar Rickett.

Written by: Oscar Rickett

Parliament is rife with sleazy sexual predators drunk on power

Parliament is rife with sleazy sexual predators drunk on power

From Where I Stand — From late night drinking to Parliamentary whips keen to dig up dirt on MPs for political capital, there’s a culture in Westminster that allows sexual assault to go unchecked. The Commons needs a shakeup, writes Dawn Foster, but it’s unlikely to happen.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Kevin Spacey’s ‘apology’ for allegedly propositioning a teenager is insulting

Kevin Spacey’s ‘apology’ for allegedly propositioning a teenager is insulting

From Where I Stand — The fact Kevin Spacey is gay and that he might have been drunk while allegedly propositioning a 14-year-old for sex is entirely immaterial. Neither should have had a place in his apology, writes Michael Segalov.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Free speech matters, but it's not students wielding a gag

Free speech matters, but it's not students wielding a gag

From Where I Stand — There's hysteria running rampant: legislation must be introduced to stop students and academics silencing views they don't like. But from Tory MP Heaton-Harris's EU witch-hunt to the Prevent strategy, let's not lose sight of the real spectre threatening freedom of speech and thought, writes James Butler.

Written by: James Butler

You wouldn't debate 'curing' my Jewishness, so why my sexuality?

You wouldn't debate 'curing' my Jewishness, so why my sexuality?

From Where I Stand — We should call 'gay cure therapy' what is really is: an abusive and bigoted form of torture, writes Michael Segalov.

Written by: Michael Segalov

The culture of shame around sexual assault is not just Hollywood’s problem

The culture of shame around sexual assault is not just Hollywood’s problem

From Where I Stand — It’s taken years for Harvey Weinstein’s victims to come forward with their stories of sexual assault. But that shouldn’t come as a shock. The problem is pervasive, says Abi Wilkinson. And she speaks from experience.

Written by: Abi Wilkinson

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