From Where I Stand

Jeremy Corbyn is right to take on the tabloid press

Jeremy Corbyn is right to take on the tabloid press

From Where I Stand — This week the right-wing press have printed falsehood after falsehood about the Labour leader, and yet have still failed in their all out nonsense spy attack. Ignore their outrage at Labour's warnings, writes Dawn Foster. They're just angry that the game is up.

Written by: Dawn Foster

Soviet spy Corbyn? Tabloids have given up on journalism

Soviet spy Corbyn? Tabloids have given up on journalism

From Where I Stand — The single source for the latest nonsense attempt to discredit Jeremy Corbyn is a fantasist, but that won't stop the right-wing press - terrified of a Labour clamp down on tax avoidance - from spreading lies, writes Matt Zarb-Cousin.

Written by: Matt Zarb-Cousin

Keep it in the family? The left can do better than dynasties

Keep it in the family? The left can do better than dynasties

From Where I Stand — From Clinton to Kinnock, Trudeau to Benn, the fact political dynasties dominate progressive parties on both sides of the Atlantic is an embarrassment, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

It's time women take control of their own sexual desires

It's time women take control of their own sexual desires

From Where I Stand — While the #MeToo campaign has started important conversations about consent, Frankie Mace believes it's time we take it further. Women can initiate sex and embrace their desires, being told we can simply say 'yes' or 'no' to an offer of sex doesn't give women power.

Written by: Frankie Mace

Is it racist to call white men 'Gammon'?

Is it racist to call white men 'Gammon'?

Gammon-gate — It's an age-old question: is it racist for one white man to call another white man a gammon? Matt Zarb-Cousin investigates.

Written by: Matt Zarb-Cousin

LGBT History Month? Our struggle isn't a thing of the past

LGBT History Month? Our struggle isn't a thing of the past

From Where I Stand — Queer people should remember the fight isn't over this LGBT History Month, writes James Butler. In fact, it's not yet even in the past.

Written by: James Butler

How business and basic bitches killed 'Woke'

How business and basic bitches killed 'Woke'

Whose slang is it anyway? — It’s suffice to say that 'Woke' has become the phrase of the moment. But like so much black slang before it this is a phrase now diluted of meaning, writes Otamere Guobadia - stolen, consumed and spat out by those who commodify and co-opt before leaving language to die. That's not 'woke'.

Written by: Otamere Guobadia

In banning its critics, Israel has proven not all Jews are welcome

In banning its critics, Israel has proven not all Jews are welcome

From Where I Stand — Groups who criticise Israel have been banned from entering the country, a blacklist including Jewish-led organisations. Israel’s veneer of liberal democracy continues to slip, argues Alon Aviram. The religious nationalist state is abandoning a founding principle - the Jewish right of return - to silence dissent.

Written by: Alon Aviram

It’s time to talk about how Britain treats its homeless

It’s time to talk about how Britain treats its homeless

From Where I Stand — A society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable – and as it gears up for 2018’s Royal Wedding, the UK is already showing its true colours, writes Dawn Foster.

Written by: Dawn Foster

How do we talk about the abuses we can’t name?

How do we talk about the abuses we can’t name?

Behind closed doors — Gender-based violence and sexual abuse have taken centre stage in 2017 – through street protests, social media campaigns, and even viral short stories. But, as writer Kat George explains, there’s still so much more we need to address.

Written by: Kat George

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