From Where I Stand

Why domestic violence support services must not be handed to companies like G4S

Why domestic violence support services must not be handed to companies like G4S

#NoSisterIsIllegal — The private and public spheres are merging, an ideologically driven move to transfer power and profit into corporate hands. The UK is now the second largest outsourcing market in the world. But there's a human cost to allowing private companies like G4S to run services that are relied on by some of our most vulnerable citizens.

Written by: Sarah Silver

It’s time to stop using mental illness as a political insult

It’s time to stop using mental illness as a political insult

From Where I Stand — For those of us living with mental illness, stigma and prejudice can all too often permeate every part of our everyday lives. When Owen Smith labelled his Labour leadership rival a “lunatic” last night, he showed a complete disregard for some of society’s most vulnerable people.

Written by: Emily Reynolds

British trains are a disgrace, regardless of why Jeremy Corbyn sat on the floor

British trains are a disgrace, regardless of why Jeremy Corbyn sat on the floor

From Where I Stand — The summer might be slow for news, but it's still no excuse for #Traingate. Yesterday the headlines were filled with stories about why Jeremy Corbyn had sat on the floor of a Virgin train. Big business said it was a choice, Corbyn and his fellow passengers said the carriage was full. The real question is why are British trains so awful?

Written by: Jude Wanga

As a journalist I gave Anjem Choudary a platform. In doing so I legitimised his radical views

As a journalist I gave Anjem Choudary a platform. In doing so I legitimised his radical views

From Where I Stand — After months of reporting restrictions, it was revealed this week that British radical hate preacher Anjem Choudary has been convicted for urging people to support Islamic State. Oli Rahman is a London based journalist, who used to work for one of the UK's largest news agencies. He argues that it was the media who helped legitimise Choudary's views, something for which he too takes some blame.

Written by: Oli Rahman

I worked as a Deliveroo rider and trust me, we all must support their strike

I worked as a Deliveroo rider and trust me, we all must support their strike

From Where I Stand — Deliveroo drivers aren’t just fighting for fair pay, they’re on the frontline of the against a complete erosion of wages and job security.

Written by: Alex King

Why I organised a Big Gay Kiss In at a London supermarket this weekend

Why I organised a Big Gay Kiss In at a London supermarket this weekend

Here, queer, snogging by the beer — This weekend, hundreds of people descended on a London supermarket for a Big Gay Kiss In, in response to a homophobic incident earlier in the week. Huck News Editor Michael Segalov organised the protest that got East London puckering up in the aisles.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Outing gay men on Grindr isn't journalism. It's homophobic and dangerous

Outing gay men on Grindr isn't journalism. It's homophobic and dangerous

From Where I Stand — For centuries, gay men have had to find ways of forming relationships and having sex while avoiding violence and persecution. When a heterosexual, male journalist headed to the Olympic village and downloaded Grindr - a gay hook-up app - for a story this week, he put the lives of athletes, and our community's security at risk.

Written by: Huw Lemmey

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

It’s not Trotskyists giving young people radical politics. It’s a society that fails us

From Where I Stand — Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has argued today that young Labour members are being strong armed into supporting Jeremy Corbyn and his policies by older party members. As a young person who joined Labour to support left-wing policies, it's a patronising assessment that's far from correct.

Written by: Michael Segalov

Why adding surfing to the Olympic Games is bad news for surfers

Why adding surfing to the Olympic Games is bad news for surfers

From Where I Stand — So, it's official. Surfing has been added to the list of sports competed in at the Olympic Games, starting in Tokyo 2020. Despite the PR puff presentation of this being great news for the surf community, for surfers the reality is there's nothing to celebrate.

Written by: Dr Clifton Evers

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

I'm backing Jeremy Corbyn, but his message and tactics need to change fast

From Where I Stand — 'Doing politics differently’ was a key promise of Jeremy Corbyn’s remarkable victory in the heady summer of 2015. But since then he has focused on his economic message, not a vision for political change. Those of us set to vote for him again as Labour leader are entitled to demand a new course - not least because Labour faces electoral annihilation unless it considers entering pacts with other progressive parties.

Written by: Luke Cooper

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